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  • Anchors in CS2: Meaning, Main Goals, How to Become a Pro Anchor
Anchors in CS2

The CS2 Anchor meaning comes directly from the marine theme, where the ‘anchor’ is the main element holding ships when they need to stay in an area. In Counter-Strike, anchors are also the players responsible for holding the bombsites on the CT side, and they usually become the main obstacle for Terrorists to enter the site and plant the bomb.

However, the role of anchor in Counter-Strike 2 is much more comprehensive than simply staying on the bombsite and killing opponents that enter it. Thus, anchors should have a pretty specific approach to using grenades and enter shooting duels in a different style from other players. So, let’s explore this topic and discuss all the aspects required for an anchor role in Counter-Strike 2.

Who are Anchors in CS?

As it was said, a CS anchor has a specific role on the CT side, whose primary goal is to defend the bombsite. On the Pro scene, anchors are usually the players who understand how to play on the particular bombsite of a concrete map on a higher level than others in the team. Such players should also be slightly calmer than others, not looking for opening duels, and be able to slow down the attack with smart utility usage.

CS2 anchor players are often the cornerstones of the default CT-tactics and play the most safely in the round. They are rarely involved in opening duels and aggressive early plays, relying on grenades but not on their aim.

Some of the best instances of the anchor role in CS2 are rain (FaZe) on Mirage A Site, electroniC (Cloud9) on Inferno A Site, and Spinx (Vitality) on Nuke A Site.

Let’s look at how the anchor in CS2 should act in the step-by-step guide, reviewing the typical behavior of the CT player on Mirage B-Site:

  • CTs typically have a setup of two players on the B side, with one of them going the Short and the anchor playing near the Van or on the Bench. The player that goes to the Short often throws an early Incendiary to exclude fast execution and relocate closer to the Ladder Room if no sound cues are heard in the B Apps.
  • If the B Site anchor has Incendiary or Smoke, he can play near the Van and use the jump-check approach to detect a potential B Apps push. Often, this player holds his grenade ready for throwing to save an extra second.

    If the B Site anchor has Incendiary or Smoke
  • When utility is not in hand, the B Site anchor can take one of the holding positions: on the Bench, inside the Site, in the Kitchen, or the Short Corner.
  • With the loss of two and maybe even three teammates but without obvious signs of the bomb going to the A Site, the B Site anchor should stay on B. Of course, it’s better to relocate to the Short, which is a good location to hear B Apps and Underpass sounds. Moreover, being on Short, an anchor can even see part of the A Site and Connector, or simply help with flashbangs.

    The bomb going to the A Site, the B Site anchor should stay on B
  • Potential trade kills on the A Site or in the Middle often force CT players to rotate closer to the skirmish, and Ts also understand this. In other words, it’s a time for a T-lurker to be more active near the B Site, and if the CT anchor plays Short smartly, he should have an easy kill on the guy coming from B Apps.
  • After this, the anchor can relocate to the Kitchen to be closer to the A Site rotation and become more unpredictable for the remaining Terrorist(s).
  • Depending on the situation and the info, the B Site anchor can also push the B Apps up to the TV, cutting the lines for T-rotations or going into their back if they perform a 5-player execute on the A site.

One of the best anchors in this position, NAF from Team Liquid, does the work on the B Site Mirage that way.

Main Tasks of Anchor in CS2

To answer the question, “What does an anchor mean in CS?” let’s focus on its primary tasks during the game:

Stay on the Bombsite and Buy Time for Teammates’ Rotation

One of the primary tasks for anchors is to be the person on the bombsite that makes execution for the attacking side hard and uncomfortable. Having a full set of utilities (smoke + incendiary + flashbangs), a good anchor can delay execution by almost half a minute, which is enough for your teammates to rotate. Anchor is one of the key CS2 team roles when taking on a plant when you play defense.

Stay on the Bombsite and Buy Time for Teammates’ Rotation

Save Holding and Retaking Utility if Possible

Staying solely on the bombsite, the anchor’s best friends against pushing opponents are grenades. Even if they aren’t needed because of silence and lack of opponents on this part of the map, any utility will be useful for retaking the opposite bomb plant.

Catch Ts Off-Guard by Sneaking into Their Backs

With definite information about Terrorists and their locations, an anchor can leave the bomb site and try to sneak into the attackers’ backs. He should clearly communicate this aspect, so the rest of his teammates understand what gaps can appear in the defense and react appropriately.

What Loadout Should an Anchor Have?

Now, you can answer the question, “Who is an anchor in CS2?” and describe his roles on the map, but what are the best tools for accomplishing his goals?

Emphasis on Utility

Of course, grenades aren’t the element of the Loadout, but if there is any role in the CT team that requires an emphasis on utility, that is definitely an anchor. Thus, many professional anchors on the CT side will prefer a full set of grenades + an SMG instead of the M4 and basic armor. This is very similar to the CS2 support role, where grenades are crucial.

Also, a good anchor should buy a Defuse Kit, which makes more sense than for other roles. During retakes, all the chances an anchor will be the one who stays in the clutch as the last guy, and having a defuse kit in the pocket will save him a few vital seconds.


On the pistol rounds, a CT anchor requires a weapon with many bullets and the ability to counter the pushing Terrorists. With limited buying opportunities in the first round, an anchor can rely on the Dual Berettas or Five-Seven, especially if his teammates have flashbangs for assisting.

During 2k buy-rounds or ecos, the CS2 anchor role will require a pistol that is good at both long and close distances. Five-Seven and Desert Eagle are the best choices. The rest of the pistols are up to your personal preferences.


First, an anchor should be able to buy the cheapest SMG to allow maximum utility, and here, the game offers two options (you can choose one): UMP-45 ($1,200) and MP9 ($1,250). 


A must-have option in the rifles department is FAMAS, which is a comparatively cheap ($2,050) but pretty dangerous gun in masterful hands. Of course, you should use one of the M4s, maybe even both M4A4 and M4A1-S, if you don’t like sniper rifles. The presence of AUG is recommended, as a lot of anchor positions on different maps assume long-range shooting duels, and a rifle with a scope can be pretty helpful. Still, having AWP is probably another obligatory option, at least to buy and drop it for your sniper teammate.

Tips to Become a Pro Anchor

With enough info on the table now, here are a few recommendations that can help you learn how to anchor in CS2 more effectively:

Understand Firing Angles

You should learn all the basic positions, how opponents usually pick them (what grenades are thrown to isolate them), and know the recipe for avoiding tough duels. You should also learn good coordination with your teammates and define pretty uncommon and unexpected firing angles to be more effective.

Know Advanced Utility Usage on the Site

Since you can be a solo anchor on the bomb plant, you should know some advanced grenades to catch opponents off guard. Some of them can require difficult lineups or a lot of training, but they can be a difference between a won and lost round. Don’t be lazy and seek some pop-flashes that can change your effectiveness; there are plenty of guides on YouTube.

Change Holding Positions Regularly to Be Unpredictable

Change Holding Positions Regularly to Be Unpredictable

Since there is no ultimate formula for winning a round in CS2, as everyone can adjust to any tactics, a good anchor should be one step ahead in this outsmarting race.

Understand Openers’ and Lurkers’ Behavior

The major counterparts on the attacking side that will face an anchor most often will be either Openers or Lurkers. That is why a good anchor should understand their behavior to be able to differentiate the start of the execution from the fake and feel the preferable firing angles. If you don't already know what an opener does, the CS2 entry fragger meaning will help you learn more about this role.

Practice with Sniper Rifles

If the team decides to play with two AWPs, the secondary sniper will definitely be one of the anchors. Moreover, the AWP is one of the best guns for winning the opening duel and fallback, which is one of the anchor’s ideas and tasks — creating a preferable situation for teammates and potential retakes.


With many diverse roles in any team, anchors are the cornerstones of the whole team’s strategies. Thus, when your team has two reliable anchors who can play on diverse maps and bombsites pretty effectively, the rest of the team feels much more freedom. It allows the creation of different strategies and tactics, making the CT-side playstyle more versatile and unpredictable for the opponents. If your team has no reliable anchor — your first goal will be to add one player for each bombsite and decrease the room for maneuvering for the rest of the players.

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