Nuke Smoke Spots

Nuke is one of the most intense maps in Counter-Strike. With a neat two-level design and complex layout, this map is among the most popular in the game, ever. At the same time, it heavily favors CTs, meaning Terrorists must utilize every tool at their disposal to get a fighting chance. One of the better ways to even the playing field (or to get even more advantage over the Ts) is to learn and use Nuke smokes.

The new physics of Counter-Strike 2 smokes makes Nuke grenade lineups even more useful than they were in CS:GO. But before we discuss anything else, here is a list of the basic Nuke callouts:

Nuke spot in CS2

Nuke A Smokes

A Site is an ideal defensive spot for the CTs. If you can reach Haven fast enough (and it’s located right next to CT spawn), you can smoke any A Site entrance at any point in the game

Heaven to Squeaky

This is one of the basic smokes for Counter-Terrorists. However, be careful when applying this smoke, as tricky enemies can use it to enter the Vent. Luckily, you’ll hear them opening the door, which will give you and your buddies time to establish fire control over the Squeaky.

Heaven to Hut

While this smoke requires no complex lineup, it can be risky, as you must step into the open on the Heaven. This is dangerous even at the best of times and can be near-suicidal during A Site retakes. In such cases, stick to CS2 Nuke smokes that can be thrown from deeper into the Heaven.

Heaven to Rafters

This one is the upgraded version of the one-way smoke from CS:GO and allows picking players on A Site from the Heaven without immediately catching a bullet in the head. Since CS2 smokes have gravity, landing it on the Rafters can obscure vision from the Vent corners and the Main. From 1:35:

Nuke B Smokes

There are four ways the T team can attack the B Site. However, a CT player can defend this location entirely alone by using two simple smokes.

Ramp to B Site Dark & Window

Use one smoke to isolate the B Window player, and then throw another nade to the Dark position. This combo will cover a huge area and has its uses for both Ts and CTs.

Ramp to Double

This is an ideal smoke for a CT player protecting B Site. Throwing a smoke to the Double will limit the enemy's vision in this location, allowing you to concentrate on the Window and Single. Plus, this smoke can make the terrorists hesitate before attacking B Site, giving your buddy on Mid extra time to come for help.

Nuke Mid Smokes

But wait, there’s no “mid” callout on the map, so how can there be a Nuke Mid smoke? But don’t worry, the Yard (also known as “Outside”) plays this role on this map. This is where you’re highly likely to get eliminated by an enemy AWPer, so knowing a couple of good smokes can easily save your life.

Silo to Heaven

Heaven is one of the most widely used defense locations on the map, and there are few smokes designed to isolate it before A Site execution. One of the best positions to do so is the relatively safe Silo, and your intervention from there can easily make or break the execution, especially if you then assist your teammates with flashbangs from the T-Roof.

Yard Boxes to Yard

As a rule, the T team uses the Yard to get to the Secret or the Main and get behind CTs. However, getting to those locations from the T Spawn is nearly impossible because the area is usually monitored by a CT AWPer. This smoke can solve the problem, allowing you to move in the Yard without getting spotted.

Nuke CT Side Smokes

One of the reasons why Nuke is regarded as a CT-sided map is that Counter-Terrorists don’t need to learn dozens of smokes just to advance from their spawn. Still, here are a couple of good lineups for the CT team.

CT Box to Yard Boxes

Although this is a basic smoke used to avoid losing early-round timings, many players leave dangerous gaps in it. So, if you need a reliable and easy lineup to cover the entire Yard Boxes zone, you’re welcome to try this one.

CT Spawn to Silo

Those who faced a well-coordinated T team on Nuke will surely understand the reason this smoke exists. Even if you’re playing with a sniper rifle in the Garage, you can be an easy target for a smart Terrorist playing on the Silo. With this CS2 Nuke smoke, you can focus on the Red Box without having to worry for your own safety.

Nuke Smokes for T Side

The Nuke smokes for the T-side are a much wider topic to discuss. Terrorists have more options for maneuvering and can throw smokes either for coverage or fakes, with lineups quite unlike anything you can see on other maps.

T Spawn to A Main

Let’s start with the smoke that should be thrown from the T Spawn position. If properly thrown, the smoke will land on the edge of the Main and obscure the vision to the whole Yard and T-Outside. Of course, if there’s a player in the Garage or outside Heaven, they can still notice and counter your approach.

T Spawn to Garage

If you want to play the Yard while staying safe, you’ll need to isolate a Garage sniper. This is one of the Nuke smokes in CS2 that everyone should know and use.

T Spawn to Outside Cross

Professionals use this smoke to hide their advances toward the Secret, imitate such a move, or send a spy to the CT Blue box or Garage. Whatever the intentions, the two smokes you’ll need can be thrown from a single position and are easy to remember; just be sure CT won’t shoot you from Heaven if your teammates decide to go to the Secret.

T Roof to Outside Heaven

The previous combination doesn’t make moving to the Secret 100% safe, as a CT sniper can still deliver plenty of damage over the smokes. However, using one of the more tricky Nuke smoke lineups, you can isolate the outside of Heaven position. Still, stay aware and hold your crosshair on the Lockers.

T Roof to Vent & Hut

This is one of the easiest Nuke smokes for CS2 for the fast Vent diving. It will fully cover this sneaky move; given your teammates are good enough not to lose their way in the smoke.

Other Useful CS Nuke Smokes

Finally, here are some generally useful beginner-friendly smokes for Nuke. No complex lineups, you only need to know where to stand and you’re golden.

T-Roof to A Main

Although most teams use this smoke on the go for isolating the A Main after breaking the Squeaky door, sometimes you’ll need proper isolation, like if a CT sniper constantly catches your teammates. This lineup is pretty stable: stand in the corner as shown in the video and use an unusual combination of Left + Right click combined with a jump throw. This Nuke smoke is ideal for beginners because of how easy it is.

Trophy to Ramp

An early T smoke to the Ramp will allow your teammates to take this position in relative safety, which is essential if they’re planning an attack on B Site. This smoke can isolate the Ramp player and even block vision on Heaven, all the while allowing your buddy on the top of the Ramp box to retain full control over these locations. This is one of the easiest and safest CS2 Nuke lineups that can be useful for a solo play or faking Ramp execution and can easily make CTs panic.

In order to effectively use these grenades, you need to use CS smoke training commands to learn these throws.


As you can see, there are more than a few useful smokes on Nuke. Of course, most of them are used for isolating or taking specific areas of the map, but that is true for almost all CS2 smokes. Just remember that smokes don’t actually stop bullets and can be dissipated with a precise HE grenade, meaning some of your smokes will fail through no fault of your own. So, when trying to counter opponents outside of your line of sight, you better keep in mind other aspects of the game, like CS2 Nuke wallbang spots.

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