Mirage Callouts

Mirage is currently the most popular map in CS2, played in almost 31.6% of all cases. Considering its popularity, many players want to know Mirage location names to feel true teamwork and enjoy the game even more.

Taking its roots from the CS 1.6, Mirage was changed a couple of times and is now a popular match on both official professional tournaments and simple MM levels. It has plenty of open spaces where players can challenge their aiming skills. Opened skyboxes allow pros to rethink bombsite taking, with dozens of regular and fake smokes making the skirmish even more attractive.

Even those who play the map daily can confuse some Mirage spot names, and freshening up or learning some places will be useful for their definition. And that’s to say nothing about newcomers who want to improve communication with teammates, as they should try to learn all the important Mirage positions to grab ranks faster.



The Mirage callouts can roughly be divided into five global zones:

  1. A Site;
  2. B Site;
  3. Middle;
  4. T-Spawn;
  5. CT-Spawn.

The last two are starting points for every round and are rarely used in an active skirmish. However, the first three require special attention and a detailed review of the major paths and particular spots to understand the battle area better.


A Site is located pretty close to both Terrorist and Counter-Terrorist spawns and has three major paths for both sides to fight for it. It makes A Site more involved in the game plan, and knowing Mirage map names for it is a must:



This is one of the most important Mirage callouts in Counter-Strike 2. It got its name because of many smaller boxes and bricks that visually call back the old Tetris game. The area is an important position for clutches.



Being partially protected between Tetris and Stairs, one can feel like being inside a sandwich because of the pressure from both sides.



Without jumping, one can easily use Stairs to take a small plate, especially for fighting against enemies in Palace, Ramp, or A Site. However, you are sitting ducks there and can be killed from even more spots.



That is a narrow area between A Site, Window, and small halls to the Ladder Room and Market. This spot is actively used by AWPers and those who want to arrive from B Site quickly for help.



CT refers to the wide zone close to CT Spawn and two areas for hiding—Trash and Ticket. Sometimes it’s called CT Ramp.

Triple Box

Triple Box

A suitable point for confident players as it allows fighting all possible paths Terrorists can use for A Site execution, but you might want to start dancing if Ts arrive from everywhere.



Trash is located behind the barrels used as a protective wall. It isn’t suitable for long waits or holding.



No one is selling tickets there anymore, but now it’s a nice spot to hold A execution from Ramp and Palace. Some players jump atop it to control the area or see above smokes.



A small area in front of the Fire Box is sometimes left unchecked by Terrorists, allowing CTs to make a few unexpected kills or even make a Ninja-like defuse.

Fire Box

Fire Box

A cheeky position used by campers but often burned out by either side. Still, Fire Box is a nice spot if unchecked for clutches or if used rarely.



A huge area between Balcony and T-Spawn. Palace is often used to help A Site execution and spread the attention of CTs.



Inside the Palace, you may notice a perfect area for the T-team to hide before entering the A Site. Considering the number of pillars there, it’s pretty easy to remember this callout.



A pretty open area if coming out from Palace and continuing A Site execution; it can be checked from CT, Jungle, and Stairs.



A dark area under the Balcony that’s often used to play with shotguns and face Terrorists from the Ramp or Palace.

A Ramp

A Ramp

The shortest path from T Spawn to A Site makes A Ramp the most often used area for A rushes or CT pushes.



This raised ledge near the T-Spawn is often used by Terrorists to prepare an ambush for Counter-Terrorists, rushing through A Ramp.


The Middle is a wide and vital area for both sides as it provides control of both Site split executions. The Middle is huge, and knowing each CS2 Mirage callout in this area is critical.

Side Alley

Side Alley

Some kind of an uplift that connects Top Mid and T Spawn. Used to hold CT Mid pushes.

App Ramp

App Ramp

Usually used by the terrorists to get to the B Apartments without getting spotted by a CT sniper sitting in the Nest.



You can use these boxes to jump on the App Ramp. Previously, the cart was located in this place (hence the name).



Leaving the App Ramp, you immediately enter a room where you can “watch” a TV. However, we all know what players do with this screen.

Back Alley

Back Alley

This point allows the T-team to perform maneuvers. For instance, they may enter the Mid through the Underpass or continue to B Side through B Apartments.



This underground pass will lead you from the Back Alley directly to underneath the Nest in the Mid, which is useful for eliminating an enemy sniper.

Top Mid

Top Mid

Here, the early battles occur for Terrorists, who can face CTs in the Window, Connector, or even B Short, while Counter-Terrorists love to expect Ts early in the match.

Mid Boxes

Mid Boxes

A safety obstacle for Terrorists who continue Mid fight or try to control the Middle area.



After taking a Top Mid, Ts can move to B Site via Catwalk safely enough if they have smoked out the Window and Connector.

Ladder Room

Ladder Room

This tiny room may be used to enter the Nest through a hole in the wall. However, you’ll need to climb a ladder to get there.



A small corner close to the Connector with a Chair in it. It helps check/hold B Short without being killed from the Connector or Window.



A multipurpose location on the map that helps keep Top Mid, Catwalk, Underpass, and even Palace. The Connector is among the toughest CS2 Mirage callouts.



A position between the Connector and Sniper’s Nest, which is often used for a boost right to the Window.

Sniper’s Nest

Sniper’s Nest

Sniper’s Nest, or simply the Window, is a traditional spot for CTs with scoping rifles to take before being smoked or killed from Top Mid.


Without taking B Short, the execution of B Site becomes a nightmare for Terrorists, who come only from the Apartments. Of course, it can happen with some room for smokes and flashes from the Back Alley and fast House running, but even two coordinated CTs can hold a B push. Still, let’s look at the major zones and review the Mirage map positions on B Site.

B Apartments

B Apartments

It’s hard to imagine B Site execution without Ts coming from B Apartments. A long, narrow corridor is a pretty easy area to control for CTs.



This is one of the spots to control B Apartments as CTs can play from diverse sides of Van and even on it. However, it’s a pretty open location that is often mollied and flashed.



A thin brick wall with a Bench in front is a great place for Counter-Terrorists to hold a B Apartments push. Older players sometimes call it ‘Forest,’ after a legendary Swedish CS2 professional.

Boost Box

Boost Box

A protected corner with a box is a nice place for CTs to be boosted and unchecked, which can be useful on eco-rounds.



A zone on B Site is between the planting zone and the Market as it has wooden pallets to hide. With supportive nades, one can hold a B-rush pretty well from Safe.



Having the Market under control is crucial for retaking B Site. One can jump out from B Window or go through Doors, often used in tricky clutches.



One of the ways to enter B Site from Market, which is often used to control Van and cut the crossing line to Bench.



A popular spot to save B Site holding is via B Window, where a good AWPer can make a few kills directly in the Apartments. It also has tricky angles to cross-control the Market and Site.



A player in B Short can help to fight for Middle and hold B Aps if needed, making this area one of the most vital Mirage map callouts.



A pillar between two arches is a crucial spot for a B Short player as they can hide there. Its old-school name ‘Edward’ came after the famous Ukrainian rifler.

Short Corner

Short Corner

Arches can sometimes be dangerous (if Ts rush Apartments and Short simultaneously), and the Short Corner comes to the rescue here.


These Mirage place names will help you to remember all the needed spots on this map faster. Your teammates will surely respect you more with exact and timely info that you can learn from this guide to Mirage callouts in CS2.


The best hiding spots on Mirage are Shadows, Ninja, Chair, Short Corner, and Sneaky, but don’t be surprised if opponents check you there 😉

CT Side AWPers prefer holding spots on the Sniper’s Nest, Market, and Ticket but can change position even after one shot. T AWPers start the round picking opponents from Top Mid, Kitchen, and Ramp (Pit) but also quickly rotate depending on the calls.

For CTs, the easier side to play is B, as opponents can arrive from only Apartments and rarely from Short.

HLTV’s stats tracker shows a little disbalance on Mirage, with CTs winning 52.7% of rounds while Ts celebrating on 47.3% of occasions.

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