CS2 Inferno Tips & Strategies

Inferno is one of the basic maps in Counter-Strike, being one of the most popular ones since the 1.6 version. Even with the global visual update in CS2 and new grenade opportunities, the concept of strategies remained the same.

Unlike other competitive maps in the game, CS2 Inferno tips are all about grenades, timings, and fast reactions as most battle areas are narrow with many corners. It forces both sides to use grenades more often to turn aiming duels in their favor. So, let’s review some basic Inferno starts for both sides and how they can help.

CS2 Tips on Inferno for Terrorist

Being a map with narrow paths, CS2 Inferno slightly favors CTs who simply can hold their positions and easily make two kills before being traded. Thus, any effective Inferno strategy for terrorists requires polished teamplay and inevitable nade usage.

Default T-side Strategy

Every default tactic on all maps and for both sides aims to grab early control over crucial positions, and Inferno is no different. There are three cornerstone areas where setting up control gives a bigger room for maneuvering: Banana, Middle, and Apartments.

How Should Ts Take Banana?

The fight for Banana starts from T Spawns as those closer to this position have much higher chances to be effective there at early timings. Those having worse spawns should perform supportive actions, which means that everyone should know basic nades because they can perform diverse roles in different rounds.

How Should Ts Take Banana?

Player 1. The first spawn in T Side should run with a Molotov in their hands and always throw it on the Cat position to avoid direct picking by CTs. Then, they should keep a Smoke with the pull pin released to quickly extinguish Incendiary Grenades thrown by Counter-Terrorists, which are the basic Counter-Strike 2 Inferno tips.

Depending on the situation, the first player can either throw other grenades or come picking Sand Bags or Porch. In fact, the first person is vital for successful Banana taking, and many depend on this nade accuracy and ability to switch between the targets.

Players 2 and 3. These two should also take active roles during Banana taking. Depending on the available utility set, they can throw HE Grenades or Flashbangs into the Sand Bags zone to damage or blind CTs. Since Player 1 has the most aggressive but dangerous role, numbers 2 and 3 should be ready to trade with them and be active with rifles in the Car and Sand Bags area.

Players 4 and 5. The remaining players have supportive roles and can assist with an early Flash or two. Their main role is to keep control over the Middle to avoid a tight CT circle from CT Middle, Stairs, and the 2nd Mid.

Grabbing Middle & Apps by Terrorists

Since CT Middle and Apartments are two neighboring areas, it’s possible to take them simultaneously. Of course, cooperation and utility usage are also vital, and that is how it can be made:

Grabbing Middle & Apps by Terrorists

Players 1 and 2. Those with the best spawns should push the Middle area, with the first one throwing Flashbang from T Ramp towards CT Mid to stop counter-push or AWPer active play. With a 1-2 seconds delay, the second player can also throw a deeper CT Mid Flashbang that can flash even Patio and Cubby players. After that, they wait for players 3 and 4 and their actions in Apps to neutralize the Boiler position, which is critical for the whole tactic.

Players 3 and 4. These two are running via 2nd Mid, with the #3 throwing Molotov or HE Grenade (at least) to the Apps via Window to counter CTs that decide to push Stairs via Boiler. Player 4 can quickly take Dark Stairs or simply spam Apps Hall from Bridge to avoid the push from Balcony and then enter Apartments via Back Alley when the first three players neutralize Boiler.

Player 5. This one is a lurker and should hold Banana push and assist players 1 and 2 with Flashes if necessary. They can play either T-Ramp or closer to Underpass, depending on the danger from CT Mid and the weapon they own, to counter CTs on Banana effectively.

Split B

Maybe you opened this article to see the beloved CS2 Inferno tricks like Rush B, Apps, or Middle, but half of those tactics are already described in the previous section. So, let’s review more advanced strategies.

Split B

Split B on Inferno makes sense when Banana has been grabbed at early timings, and Ts have some basis for it. Thus, Players 1 and 2 are already in the Car position and should wait for the rest of their teammates to arrive from CT Spawn.

When everything is ready for B-Site Execution, they can throw Molotov to Dark or Tri Box (also called Quad) and a few situational Flashes. If they know that Player 3 has dived into Arch undetected, they can hide his move from Well to Garden with the default Smoke #3.

Players 3 and 4 have a much longer and more dangerous way to B and should pass a few key positions. First, they should force CTs to get back to A Site and leave Boiler, Patio, and Arch Side (Long).

Then, they should throw a Smoke between the Arch Side and A Site (Smoke #1) or the one in the middle of the Arch Side (#2) to keep the path to the Arch open without extra danger. Understanding such details and the basics of the Inferno strategy for T is the key to success.

Ideally, Terrorist numbers 3 and 4 should make a sneaky move from CT Mid to Arch without being checked to become a full surprise for CTs on the B Site. To make it realistic, Player 4 or 5 should make some noise in the Boiler/Apps, while Player 3 can throw Smoke #1 and Flash to A Site to imitate this bombsite execution.

When A-Site Counter-Terrorists keep all their attention on Short and Apps, Player 3 (and 4 optionally) can make a sneaky move to Arch and CT Spawn, checking Kitchen position. Then, everything depends on the available information, timings, and accurate shooting. Thus, Player 4 or 5 can even stand in the Boiler position to set up an ambush when CTs understand they have been outsmarted.

Split A

Split A’s best Inferno tips in CS2 require professional usage of grenades and ideal coordination. Terrorists start by taking control over Apps and CT Mid and then depend on the available utility and their ability to neutralize A Pit.

Split A

The basic set of grenades for A-Site execution includes Smoke #1 to isolate Library and Arch Side, Molotov to Pit, and timely Flashes from CT Mid over the roof to the site. The number of players in Apps Long and Short depends on the particular situation and rifles available. Thus, Apps and Balcony favor weaker weapons like SMGs or Pistols, while AKs allow equal aiming duels from Short against Pit, Graveyard, and Site.

A Site is so hard to execute that many teams don’t know how to play on Inferno in CS2 without an upgraded Split tactic, including Arch Side arrival. It makes sense when Ts found that one or even a couple of CTs are in the Library and Arch, so Smokes #2 and #3 allow safely adding one more shooting direction. The latter is pretty helpful for focusing and fighting players in Pit, Site (Ninja), and Under Balcony.

CS2 Tips on Inferno for Counter-Terrorists

Of course, understanding the Inferno strategy for CT is much simpler when you know the basic areas to take and default T-Side tactics. However, let’s review a couple of them in more detail.

Default CT-side Strategy: 2+3

Since the path to B-Site is pretty narrow and can be isolated by a single grenade, so keeping more than two CTs makes sense only when Ts rush B every round.

So, the default CT side Inferno strategies require two players on B and three on the A Site. Depending on the weapon, Counter-Terrorists can choose diverse positions on holding both sites, with SMGs or Shotguns favoring closer positions for effective shooting.

B Site players often combine closed and open positions, with the latter player defining opponents, while the first one takes unexpected fights or throws counter-utility. The basic checking positions are:

  1. CT Corner (near Boost)
  2. Coffins
  3. Dark
  4. Tri Box (Quad)

All those positions allow having favorable fighting duels if Ts don’t use grenades. The rest of the positions near and inside the B plant are for the second player.

A Site is a much more complicated mission for CTs, who should cover more positions. Depending on the weapon and idea for the round, Counter-Terrorists can take aggressive Short positions and even Apartments. A more conservative approach usually means CTs will play in the Pit (hold Short and Balcony), near Default (same directions), and near the Library to control Arch Side.

Default CT-side Strategy: 2+3

Bolder circles show more often positions; slimmer circles show alternative spots.

Aggressive Banana Control

One of the CS2 Inferno tactics is to secure control over Banana and leave only one player, preferably a sniper. An attentive AWPer can hide near the car and check Terrorists coming from the T Ramp, giving an entry kill and info and waiting for teammate rotation.

It’s vital to have one CT on Arch or near the Cubby who can quickly rotate to B Site and assist their teammate with nades and spamming fire. An important element here is for the Banana holder to throw some utility to delay Ts push and allow the second and even third CT to rotate in time.

Aggressive Banana Control

Eco-Round Tactics

There is nothing special about Eco-round tactics by Terrorists on Inferno in CS2, who should simply choose the direction and push it, creating an advantage in the number of players. For CTs, however, Eco rounds can be an opportunity to apply tricky CS2 Inferno strategies and stack one of the areas.

Eco-Round Tactics

Interestingly, it can be both Sites (there are plenty of corners on each), CT Mid area (Close, below, and top of the roof on the Patio), and even Apps push. If Ts don’t use utility before coming to those positions, CTs can easily make a few kills.


With all the CS2 maps requiring teamplay for a better win rate, tactics on the Inferno map are probably the most complicated. Narrow paths make shooting easier for CTs, while even simple grenades become a deadly weapon in their hands as well. Plus, there are many CS2 inferno smokes that may significantly limit the vision of the T team.

All this requires Terrorists to be way more attentive, know plenty of utility spots, and cooperate within the chosen tactic. We hope our CS2 Inferno guide gave you a basic understanding and ideas for training and practicing.


First, you should start with memorizing CS2 Inferno callouts, the best attack and defense spots, etc. The knowledge you acquire will help you polish a few tactics with your teammates and review your mistakes for their exclusion.

While learning how to play on Inferno, pay attention to the ways of taking Banana for both sides, as this area on the map gives a serious advantage for the team winning the round.

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