Get More FPS in CS2

Keeping the frames per second number high enough is a critical task if you want the image on the screen to be as smooth as possible. And when it comes to competitive online shooters, high FPS is downright mandatory. Even if your computer meets the minimal requirements to run the game, it does not mean that the game will run smoothly, and even the slightest lag can sometimes cause you to lose a round or even a match. So, how to increase FPS in CS2? Let's examine both popular and less obvious ways to increase your game's frame count.

Why FPS Drops

Technological advances in the gaming industry mean that system requirements are increasing more and more every year. What worked well for CS:GO may no longer be relevant in the next update, especially such a large-scale one as the transition to CS2. However, it's not always just about the hardware. Let’s examine the most common reasons for FPS drops:

  1. Your hardware doesn’t meet the game's minimum requirements. This is especially true after the upgrade to CS2, where the minimum requirements have been increased.
  2. There are background applications running on your computer. They may drain the performance of your hardware.
  3. Incorrect CS2 settings for FPS or lack of optimization of the GPU and/or processor.
  4. Malware.
  5. Outdated drivers.

So, check the amount of frames you are currently playing at, and let's get some FPS boost in CS2.

Whether you're an experienced gamer or a newbie, learning about CS2 console commands can drastically improve your gameplay.

Simple Tips on How to Get More FPS In CS2

Before we dive into advanced system configurations, there are a few things you should try first:

Steam Configuration

First of all, you can try to boost FPS in CS2 as much as possible before you even get into the game. To do this, log in to Steam. Click on the Steam icon in the upper left corner and select settings. Then do the following:

  1. In the Remote Play tab, uncheck Enable Remote Play.
  2. In the Broadcasting tab, select Broadcasting disabled.
  3. In the Interface tab, in the “Start up location” option, select Library.
Steam Configuration

Launch Commands

Entering a few CS2 FPS boost commands can reduce the load on your computer and turn off the non-critical features that nevertheless affect performance and require RAM and video memory. Open Steam Library, choose CS2, click on Properties, then Set CS2 launch options and write the following CS2 commands:

  1. -novid — Removes the in-game introduction movie.
  2. -high — Starts the game in a high-priority mode.
  3. -freq x (60, 75, 120, 144, 240)Hz — Display refresh rate.
  4. -threads <number of cores / threads> — This command can increase the number of cores or threads (in hyper-threading compatible processors) used by the game.
  5. -noaafonts — This function disables font smoothing.
  6. -lv — Runs the game in reduced cruelty mode.
  7. +exec autoexec — Runs a .cfg file with CS2 commands for FPS.

By adopting Counter-Strike 2 settings for FPS from pros, even beginner players can level up their gameplay and get a feel for professional gaming.

Change the Advanced Video Settings for Best FPS

Now, let's see how to increase FPS in Counter-Strike 2 through the game settings. In the game, go to Settings → Advanced Video. There is no point in describing each line; just select Low, Very Low, or Disabled for everything (e.g., Global Shadow Texture → Very Low, Shader Detail → Low, Texture Filtering Mode → Bilinear, etc.).

Change the Advanced Video Settings for Best FPS

Have You Fixed It? If Not, Let’s Continue!

GPU Settings

You can raise the FPS by digging into the GPU settings. There are two key graphics card manufacturers, Nvidia and AMD. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Nvidia Card Settings

Right-click on your desktop and launch the Nvidia control panel.

Nvidia control panel

Choose 3D Settings → Adjust Image Settings. Click on Use my preference emphasizing and set Performance to maximum.

Manage 3D Settings

In the same tab, switch off Antialiasing, and set Texture Filtering → Quality to high performance.

Quality to high performance

For AMD Cards

Press the right mouse button on your desktop and open AMD Radeon Settings. Go to Gaming and select Global Settings. Then, adjust settings the same way you see on the screenshot.

For AMD Cards

Knowing how to show FPS in CS2 can give you valuable insights into your game's performance.

Windows Performance Settings

Open the Windows start menu, choose This PC, right-click on any empty area, then click Properties. Choose Advanced system settings → Performance. Here, all you need to do is uncheck all the boxes. This may affect the visuals of your operating system, but you’ll also get a boost in FPS rates, which is exactly why we’re here.

Select Properties
Select Advanced system settings
System Properties

Disabling Core Parking

To determine whether all your cores are active, press the Win + R keys together on the keyboard and type msconfig in the Run box. Go to Boot, click on Advanced options and choose a maximum number of processors.

Disabling Core Parking

Even with a budget setup, the right CS2 low-end PC config can help you get a smooth gaming experience.

Power Options

In the settings, select System and click on Power options, then choose Best performance.

Click on Power options
Power Options

Disabling Startup Programs

The more programs you install, the more background processes are created, some of which will launch automatically when you start your PC. All these programs, no matter how small they are, will negatively affect your system’s performance. Let's fix it:

  1. Press the Ctrl + Alt + del keys.
  2. Choose Task Manager and proceed to the Startup apps tab.

    Proceed to the Startup apps tab
  3. Disable all the programs except the ones you really need. This will also reduce the time it takes to turn on the computer when you start the system.

Note: This will NOT delete the programs; it will just prevent them from loading when your PC launches.

This will NOT delete the programs

Using the best CS2 launch options can significantly improve your hardware’s performance.


This point is only relevant for HDD owners. SSD owners can skip this point and read on. This process activates a redistribution of file fragments on disks for faster access.

  1. Open This PC.
  2. Right-click on the disk where CS/Windows is stored.
  3. Click Properties.
  4. Go to Tools.
  5. Select Defragment now and Defragment disk.
Click Properties
Select Defragment now and Defragment disk

Reinstall Windows

This option is quite extreme, but it can be quite effective. The point is that the longer the system runs, the more unnecessary processes, junk files, and other stuff appear in it. When you reinstall the system, you get a pristine, clean Windows without any of these problems. You'll have to reinstall all the programs, including Steam and CS2, but that's what you do for a couple of crucial frames.

After reinstalling Windows, you need to install the necessary drivers.

Download Nvidia drivers:

Download Nvidia drivers

Download AMD drivers:

Download AMD drivers

Fixing the Game Files

Sometimes, you just need to clean your game folder. CS2 can create garbage files, such as error logs, which the computer has to process when you run the game. Such files can be deleted without any consequences. To do this:

  1. Go to Steam and click on the Library.
  2. Click the CS2 icon in the column on the right → select Manage → Browse local files.
  3. This will take you to the game folder. See if there are any files with the MDMP extension.
  4. Delete these files.

Installing Better Autoexec

Some players create a special file with settings that can positively affect performance. However, these settings may not be the optimal ones. To create an autoexec file with the best settings, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the CS2 config folder (usually it's ...→ SteamLibrary → steamapps → common → Counter-Strike Global Offensive → game → csgo → cfg).
  2. Create a file autoexec.cfg and open it with the Notepad.
  3. Copy the following Counter-Strike 2 FPS boost commands into it.
Installing Better Autoexec

net_threaded_socket_burst_cap "" // =empty value. Any non-empty -> worse performance

net_threaded_socket_recovery_rate "X.XXXXXX"

X.XXXXXX -> worse than int X (new bug with type converatation?)

net_threaded_socket_recovery_time "60.000000"

ex.: "" worse than "60"

demo_index "1"

cl_join_advertise "2"

rate "786432"

cl_cmdrate "128"

cl_updaterate "128"

cl_interp_ratio "2"

cl_interp "0"

cl_lagcompensation "1"

cl_predict "1"

cl_predictweapons "1"

m_rawinput "1"

m_pitch "0.022"

m_customaccel "0"

m_mouseaccel1 "0"

m_mouseaccel2 "0"

m_customaccel "0"

m_mouseaccel1 "0"

m_mouseaccel2 "0"

m_mousespeed "0"

fps_max "999" // change this once you get in game to 0

fps_max_menu "999"

r_dynamic "0"

r_drawtracers_firstperson "1"

cl_threaded_bone_setup "1"

ui_steam_overlay_notification_position "bottomright"

player_nevershow_communityservermessage "1"

mm_dedicated_search_maxping "25" // max ping for matchmaking games.

r_eyegloss "0" // No Makeup.

r_eyemove "0" // No Eye Movement.

r_eyeshift_x "0" // No Eye Movement X-Angel.

r_eyeshift_y "0" // No Eye Movement Y-Angel.

r_eyeshift_z "0" // No Eye Movement Z-Angel.

r_eyesize "0" // Smaller Eyes.

m_rawinput "1"


Also, you can check CS2 pro setting launch commands.

PC Cleaning and Thermal Paste Replacing

Let’s be honest. When was the last time you cleaned your PC from dust? Let's say you do it from time to time when dust clouds become visible to the naked eye. Now, try to remember when you changed the thermal paste on your processor. You should do it regularly because if it dries out, the processor will get warm and throttle, i.e., skip cycles due to overheating. So, if you are wondering how to change FPS in CS2, just try giving your PC some long-overdue care.

A great addition to increasing FPS is knowing how to lower ping in CS2 to minimize delays.

Adding RAM

Finally, sometimes you just need a hardware upgrade. With the minimum requirements for CS2 you need at least 8GB of RAM. This is a limit value, as anything below that will definitely have lags. Nevertheless, even 8GB does not guarantee stable performance. By adding another 8GB of RAM you will get a significant CS2 FPS boost. If you already have 16GB, you can go further and install an additional 16GB, although in this case, the increase will not be so notable. If you have low FPS even with 32GB, your RAM is probably not part of the problem.

CS2 Online stats

In Game
1 348 213
24h Peak
1 463 570
All Time Peak
1 802 853

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