CS2 Inferno Smokes: CT, T, Mid, A, B

Inferno is one of the most overhauled maps in CS2. Throughout its long and storied history, this location has seen its fair share of specific strategies that changed and adapted with the location itself. However, all these plans had one thing in common: they all included smokes.
This guide lists the best places to throw smoke grenades to distract your opponents or hide your movements on Inferno. Also, don’t forget to get acquainted with Inferno callouts, as it is necessary for getting the map’s throw spots right.

Inferno A Smokes
A Pit to Top Mid

The typical A Site defense is based on covering the Apps from the Pit while also guarding the Short and/or Long and holding the Boiler and Top Mid. Since the Balcony is the easiest position to hold and doesn’t require smokes, a Pit player can quickly assist their teammates without leaving their assigned spot.
Long to Apartments

This is also true for the A Site Counter-Terrorists when the Long Player assists their Pit or Site mate. Also, this smoke can be used in clutches when you expect/know that one of the Ts is in the Apps and want them isolated.
Long to Graveyard for Retake

This is one of the most useful smoke spots on Inferno because it can cut the vision for Ts in the Pit and under the Balcony. With players on Graveyard now unable to provide covering fire, CTs can enter the site much safer, even if the Moto is also smoked.
Pit to Moto

Another one of the must-know grenades and most useful smokes on Inferno, Pit to Moto is useful for both sides and can hinder the opponents coming from the Long (+ Library and Arch).
Apartments to A Truck

An obligatory lineup to learn when playing Apps, as without a good smoke, you’ll likely get killed right after you land. Depending on the situation, it can be used by both CTs and Ts.
A Pit to Porch

When the Ts are on the Car and Sandbags and control the whole Banana, the Porch is the first location you should isolate with a smoke. Most of the Inferno smoke spots for the Porch from near the B Site are quite simple and don’t really need any additional explanation. The one from the Pit is a bit more challenging but can turn matches around on its own.
Long to Porch

Since the Long position is a natural spot for the support player, learning each one of the efficient CS2 smokes on Inferno for the Porch is especially crucial. When your teammates hear sounds on the Banana or simply have spent all their smokes, you can swoop in to save the day.
Inferno B Smokes
B Site to Banana Half Wall

If you want to confirm the Terrorists’ presence on the Banana and are going to check it with your B Site partner’s flash, it’s better to isolate the fighting area with the smoke to the Half Wall. It can be done anytime in the round when you feel the need to distract the nearby Ts.
Banana to CT Corner

This throw lands on the Boost and cuts the vision for the enemy playing there, all thanks to the increased smoke size.
Banana to Deep CT

While it’s not used all that often, even on the Professional level, Deep CT smoke can still be if you know for sure that no Counter-Terrorists are currently stalking the CT Corner or Boost. It can also be combined with the B Start Smoke to take control of the Ruins (Church).
Banana to Coffins

With dozens of options and complex lineups you need to keep in mind, this Inferno Coffin smoke looks pretty easy and will serve you well at all levels of play.
Banana to B Site Start

Throwing a smoke on the B Site Start isn’t the most popular tactic right now, but only because its value is often underestimated. For instance, it can be used for B Site execution, pushing the Ruins, and even lurking late into the round.
Banana to Long Corner/Cubby

This one is pretty easy to remember and perfectly aligns with faking A bombsite execution from Banana. This is one of the Inferno smokes in CS2 that became possible only after skybox removal, and is used pretty often in the current meta.
Inferno Mid Smokes
Top Mid to Moto

It’s hard to imagine an A Site execution without a Moto smoke, and this lineup seems to be one of the easiest to deploy. Just line up your crosshair as shown in the video, and you’re gonna do fine.
Second Mid to Arch

Although the Arch smoke is practically synonymous with a safe A Site execution, it can also be used to confuse Counter-Terrorists playing on the Moto or CT Spawn. This specific jump-throw lineup trajectory can convince the CSs that there are a couple of your teammates at the Top Mid.
Second Mid to Long

This is one of the best Inferno smokes as it has both practical and faking purposes. Since it isolates both the Moto and Library, it will force CTs playing on B or A sites to change positions, while Ts can either make a sneaky advance towards the Arch or push the Apps.
Second Mid to A Pit

Despite the fact that smokes in CS2 are much bigger than their CS:GO counterparts, A Pit isolating smoke was used for Inferno A Site executions since times immemorial. It can also be useful in early Apps and Short rush or later executions to block vision for the enemies in the Pit.
Second Mid to CT Corner

A perfect lurking option and one of the most useful CS2 Inferno smokes that became available thanks to skyboxes no longer being a thing. Of course, it can be used not just for lurking but also for supporting your teammates from the 2nd Mid if they want to attempt B Site execution and don’t have any grenades.
Second Mid to Long Corner/Cubby

Since the Cubby is among the more popular positions for CTs (holding the Mid and Boiler, hearing sounds on the Banana), isolating it makes a lot of tactical sense. This safe lineup is suitable for the A Site executions at any point during the round.
Second Mid to Window

If you have never been eliminated through the Window while running the Second Mid, you probably haven’t spent a lot of time playing Inferno. Luckily, you can prevent such unpleasant occurrences with this smoke lineup.
Inferno CT Smokes
CT Spawn to T Ramp

The Inferno Ramp smoke from CT landspawn is a perfect example of how CS2’s open skyboxes can radically change even the best Inferno strategies in CS2. This smoke makes the most sense early into the round, although note that it cannot block rushing Terrorists. However, if the T sniper likes to play the Ramp or the opposing team is trying to avoid an early skirmish on the Banana, you can easily cut their map control in half. Just ask teammates to pay attention to the Second Mid and Apartments, as those are the most popular alternatives to the now-blocked Ramp.
CT Spawn to Bottom Banana

When you imagine Counter-Strike Inferno map, Banana is likely the first area that comes to mind. For CTs, taking the early locations allows for great follow-up maneuvers, and this smoke is designed to do just that. The teammates with better spawns should proceed with incendiaries and HE grenades directly to the Car and Porch to use the advantage to its fullest. However, a support player should instead go for one of the Inferno smoke lineups for the Bottom Banana as early as possible and then try to control the firefight with flashbangs.
CT Spawn to Porch

Another newcomer from skybox removal. This smoke is a decent alternative for the B-Site players who don’t want to seek cover at CT Truck or Ruins. Similarly to the previous lineup, this one can be used to isolate Ts on the Banana during B-Site retakes.
CT Spawn to B Start for Retake

This setup was rarely used in CS:GO because of the smoke size, but even with CS2’s improved smokes, you may struggle to cover the entire area in front of the Fountain. It’s not the most efficient CS2 Inferno CT smoke, but it can be useful for B-Site retakes, as it can help for CTs coming from Banana.
CT Spawn to Top Mid

Usually, CTs go for the smoke on the Top Mid close to the middle of the rounds, especially if they know that there are no Ts on the Banana. However, throwing CS2 Inferno Mid smoke from CT early can also be helpful, especially for the Apartments push or stacking either Site on eco-rounds.
CT Spawn to Dark

The next two CT de_inferno smokes are only really useful if Counter-Terrorists actively play on the Mid, Second Mid, Window, or in the Apartments. The lineup from the CT Spawn to the Dark should be done in the first few seconds of the round and is pretty difficult to do properly. On the bright side, it can stop a T Apps rush in its tracks.
CT Spawn to Mid Stairs

If your CT teammates are dominating the Mid and Ramp, it’s time to surprise Ts with another obstacle near the Second Mid Stairs. Combined with an early Ramp smoke, this one can give plenty of opportunities for rushing the center part of the map (up to the Underpass or Ramp).
Stay ahead of the curve by checking out upcoming CS2 matches to see these Inferno strategies in action from the world's best pro teams.
Inferno T Smokes
T Ramp to Top Mid

There are lots of smoke lineups from the T Ramp, but only this one allows denying more than just Mid vision. Because of the new smoke size, it can be used for A Site fast rounds if thrown early, as it also cuts the vision from the Short to Cubby (and vice versa).
T Ramp to Short & Boiler

Ramp is already one of the ?most popular smoke spots on Inferno, so here’s one more lineup for it. This smoke can help with fast B split tactics that include the Arch push and can also be used early in the round to isolate a CT sniper who plays near the Boiler.
T Ramp to Long Corner/Cubby

Smoking the Long Corner (Cubby) is a part of many Inferno strategies, from A split via the Apps and Short to faking to force CTs to leave the B Site and go to the A bombsite. Timings for this throw depend on which strategy your team is going for.
Other Useful CS Inferno Smokes
Apartments to Dark

If you hold the Corridor in the Apartments, it can be a good idea to confuse the enemies in the Dark. Simply aim at the top right corner of the second picture on the wall and throw the smoke.
Half Wall to T Ramp

Want to check Banana but wary of getting eliminated by the AWPer hiding somewhere at T Ramp? Use this smoke to stay alive.
Bridge to A Site

Another great way to distract CTs. However, make sure someone checks the Window while you throw this efficient smoke.
Church to Half Wall

You can hide in the Church and confuse your enemies with this smoke. They’ll surely expect you’ve applied it from the Coffins or the B Site.
Church to CT Corner

If you have a buddy hiding behind the Sandbags, help them with a smoke from the Church’s window. Moreover, if enemies see your smoke grenade flying somewhere from the B Site, they may forget to check the Sandbags focusing on the Porch, expecting to find you there.