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  • Funny CS2 Commands: Make Your Opponents Laugh or Get Angry
Funny CS2 Commands

Are you already enjoying the piping hot Counter-Strike 2 but haven’t tried CS2 commands for fun tricks and messing around yet? Mate, it’s time to fix this. We all adore this game for the smooth user experience and joy of team play, where you can wreak some havoc in a private match with your pals using funny CS2 commands.

Remember that this cheat sheet is called CS2 funny commands for a reason. So, these are useful only for relieving some stress and entertaining your squad on a custom server. Using funny console commands in CS2 official matchmaking is a no-go — they simply wouldn’t work.

With that in mind, here are the top funny CS2 server commands for you to show off to your friends and spice up your game mode!

How to Activate/Deactivate Cheat Commands

Once you have a private server, follow these simple steps to activate CS2 fun commands to troll friends:

  • Go to the “Game” tab in your CS2 settings.
  • In the option “Enable Developer Console (~),” click “Yes” and save the changes.
  • Join the custom server.
  • Press the Tilde (~) key to open your developer console.
  • Type in sv_cheats 1 and hit Enter to activate all CS2 legal cheats.
How to Activate/Deactivate Cheat Commands

The sv cheats in CS2 allows you to unlock many other commands. Now, go ahead and try various cheats from our list of CS2 fun commands to brighten up your gameplay. Enjoy trolling other players and having a good laugh.

Explore the complete guide on CS2 all console commands for advanced gameplay.

Stupid CS2 Commands That Will Make Your Opponent Laugh

Let’s start with some of the most enjoyable and simply funny commands to use in Counter-Strike 2 — spawn the heck out of it!

#1 Spawn chickens

Command: ent_create chicken

Spam it to summon as many birds as you want on any map. There is no such thing as too many chickens in CS2, and this console cheat will definitely make your rivals smile!

Spawn chickens

#2 Paint your chicken

Command: ent_fire chicken color 0 0 0

Zeros stand for the corresponding colors — red, green, and blue. Type 250 instead of one of them, and your chickens turn bright in your desired color.

Paint your chicken

#3 Bombshell

  1. Command: mp_give_player_c4

Want to make your terrorist opponents’ lives even more difficult? Define whether your map should spawn C4s for a player or not.

  1. Command: mp_plant_c4_anywhere

Enable planting in any part of the map!

  1. Command: mp_c4_cannot_be_defused 1 (0 value to disable)

Or make your opponents unable to defuse a C4.

#4 Lose your gravity

Command: sv_gravity 300 (800 value to disable)

Apply this one to enable moon gravity and float around as if in a spaceship! You can also set your server’s gravity value to 200 or any number you want and enjoy the ride.

Lose your gravity

#5 Make those dolls fly around

Command: ragdoll_gravity_scale -10000 (0 value to disable)

Another one among the best funny CS2 commands that change corpse gravity to any value you prefer.

#6 I can feel it coming in the air tonight

Command: sv_airaccelerate 800 (12 value to disable)

Boost the air acceleration for a better surfing experience. It’s one of those CS2 troll commands you can use on your friends, as they won’t understand what is happening to them when they jump.

It will also be useful to understand how to moan in CS2, which works even without sv_cheats 1.

#7 Bounce back

Command: sv_bounce 20 (0 value to disable)

As it says, this cheat adds extra fun by empowering your mates to bounce off the walls and objects.

Bounce back

#8 Smooth surfing

Command: sv_accelerate 10 (5.6 value to disable)

You need to increase regular acceleration if you want to surf properly.

#9 Slo-mo is never a bad choice

Command: host_timescale 0.5 (1 value is default)

Stop the time by enabling the slow-motion mode. Specify any number you want: a lower one for even slower or a higher one for speeding up.

#10 Lights, camera, action!


cl_pitchdown 360 (89 is the default value)

cl_pitchup 360 (89 is the default value)

Use these to control your camera’s movement in degrees and in both directions. Either check what’s under you or above. And between your character’s legs, of course.

Lights, camera, action!

#11 Transgression? Yes, please

Command: ent_teleport <entity name>

Teleport your buddies to anywhere you point your cursor!

#12 It’s all about that bot, no trouble

A three-step command:

  • bot_stop 1 (0 is default)
  • bot_add;bot_place
  • bot_mimic 1 (0 is default)

This CS2 bot commands are to summon bots that will mimic your every move. Use these three strings, and you’re all set to start a hysterical flash mob with your fellow mates!

It’s all about that bot, no trouble

#13 Life is a painting, and you are the artist

Command: ent_fire !self color 0 0 0

A well-deserved place on our selection of funny CS2 commands goes to the cheats that enable you to change your appearance and make everybody cry from laughter. As with chickens, zeros symbolize the color palette red-green-blue (R-G-B). So, type 255 instead of any zero to paint your character. It’s time to look all fresh!

Life is a painting, and you are the artist

Funny Useful Commands in CS2

Okay, fun is sexy, but it could also be highly useful and interesting! So, here you go, another cool portion of the funny CS2 console commands that can do you some good.

#14 The god of war, is that you?


buddha 1 (0 value to disable)

buddha_reset_hp 100

Among all the fun CS2 commands, this one is probably the most useful. Remember the god mode in CS:GO? This is something similar when you want to have fun in a private match for a long, long time. Typing in the first cheat makes you unable to die, since your lowest HP will always be 1. And the second one enables you to restore your HP to any value stated in the command. Your HP will reset when you get enough damage to reach this value.

#15 Stop the clock

Command: mp_freezetime 0 (the default value is 15)

This one defines how many seconds players will spend in a freeze mode.

#16 It’s the final countdown!

  1. Command: mp_c4timer 1

Set the bomb timer for as many minutes as you want to ensure your team secures the win.

  1. Command: mp_anyone_can_pickup_c4 1 (0 is the default value)

Enable everyone in both teams to pick up C4s to build more excitement!

#17 Go up in flames




Stuck in some part of your map? Type in one of these commands to die instantly and respawn.

Go up in flames

#18 Don’t let the walls stop you

Commands: noclip (type again to disable)

The ability and understanding of how to fly in CS2 will help you to become non-solid and fly away from your rivals. This one of CS2 funny console commands is a cool option for practicing your throwing skills and getting accustomed to maps.

Don’t let the walls stop you

#19 Out-of-body experience

Commands: thirdperson (firstperson to disable)

Switch to a third-person camera view to see the game from all angles.

Out-of-body experience

Laugh Out Loud

Well, here it is! Enjoy our list on your private server. Those aren’t the full list of funny commands in CS2, sure, but these are the best ones you can apply today. Invite your pals or play with bots to boost your gameplay experience and practice your CS2 skills in the atmosphere of total fun.

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