CS2 Vertigo Smokes

The latest update created many new smoke Vertigo lineups in CS2. A single throw that lands correctly can change the whole game, forcing enemies to switch positions and lose control. It’s essential for securing effective wins and giving your team a competitive advantage.

Let’s check out the perfect CS2 Vertigo map smokes for Terrorists and Counter-Terrorists to help you become a professional player.

Most Useful Smoke Spots for Counter-Terrorists on Vertigo

Callouts - Upper Vertigo

Callouts - Upper Vertigo

Callouts - Lower Vertigo

Callouts - Lower Vertigo

We’ll start with the CS2 Vertigo lineups for the CT side. These will help you stop the enemies from advancing quickly and force them to stall while you gain the upper hand.

B Stairs Smoke from CT Spawn

This is one of the basic Vertigo smokes in CS2 thrown from the CT spawn to the stairs on the B zone at the beginning of the game to prevent the Terrorists from advancing. It ensures the Counter-Terrorists see the enemy first and block their advance to the plant spot.

Timing: Any.

When to use: To stall the T-side if they’re rushing B or to block their view when diffusing the bomb.

vertigo smoke stairs from ct spawn for retake

B Entry Smoke Before Stairs

This is a similar smoke lineup on the map Vertigo. Counter-terrorists throw the smoke from their spawn to cover the entrance to the stairs. This helps the CT team maintain position on the upper ground, ensuring the Terrorists are blinded and forced to switch their movement.

Timing: Beginning of the round.

When to use: To prevent the T players from rushing B.

Generator Left Smoke

If you are positioned under the stairs and know that some enemies are around the B plant site, throwing a smoke to the Generators may block the Terrorist’s vision and force their snipers to move forward.

It’s also one of the smokes for Vertigo that can be used by the Terrorists to rush the B plant site at the beginning of the match. So, you could call it a universal smoke spot for control.

Timing: End of the round.

When to use: When you have to diffuse the bomb on B, and you’re coming from the stairs.

Vertigo Smoke Left Gen B Stairs

Mid Smoke from CT Spawn

The most popular direction for Terrorists is the Mid. That’s why it’s one of the best smokes to stall the enemy and force them to run into your aim. You should throw the smoke from the CT spawn using the jumpthrow technique to reach this area.

Timing: Beginning of the round.

When to use: To stall the T side from rushing through the Mid while you take position.

Mid Smoke

To further enhance your tactical play on Vertigo, familiarize yourself with Vertigo callouts to communicate effectively with your team and dominate the map.

Simple Mid Smoke from CT Spawn

This Vertigo Mid smoke is similar to the previous one. However, the difference is that you don’t have to use the jumpthrow. Just move forward until you see the Mid and throw the grenade over the boxes. This will let you take a position for fire and ensure the smoke lasts a bit longer into the game.

Timing: Beginning of the round.

When to use: To stall the T side from rushing through the Mid while you take position.

CS2 Vertigo Mid Smoke From CT

Elevator Smoke A from Sidewalk

A perfect CS2 Vertigo smoke to prevent the Terrorists from rushing into the A plant site in the middle of the round. This will ensure no unwanted guests reach the site through the connector safely.

It is necessary to note that while this isn’t one of the new Vertigo smokes, it is still among the two-sided positions. Based on the current situation in the match, both terrorists and counter-terrorists can use it to their advantage.

Timing: Middle and end of the round.

When to use: If you’re waiting for the enemy on the A site and have to stall them.

Vertigo Elevator Smoke A from Sidewalk

Bottom Ramp Smoke

Vertigo ramp smoke is easy to achieve. Just launch the smoke grenade into the bottom ramp from the elevator to block the Terrorists from entering the A plant site. Watch the video closely:

  • Stand near the entrance.
  • Hold the LMB.
  • Watch the shots: the first shot shows you where to aim, while the second shot shows you when to release the LMB.

This will guarantee a sniper-like throw from the correct angle to give you the upper hand.

Timing: Middle and end of the round.

When to use: To block the view from the ramp while you’re diffusing the bomb on A or to stall the T-side from rushing A.

Vertigo - A Ramp Smoke - CS 2

Most Useful Smoke Spots for Terrorists on Vertigo

CT Smoke from T Stairs

You should be standing on the T-stairs to reach the location of the throw. Aim to cover the Generators, from where the Counter-Terorrists can snipe your team. It’s among the most important smoke spots when planting on the B site, so use it to your advantage.

Timing: Any.

When to use: When planting on B, and you have to ensure the CT players lose their advantage.

CS2 Vertigo CT Smoke From T Stairs

To see these strategies in action and get inspired by top-tier gameplay, check out CS2 games today for live matches and expert execution on maps like Vertigo.

B Cross Smoke from T Spawn

This is one of the best smoke B vertigo in CS2 to confuse the CT-side at the beginning of the game. You have to stand in the corner of the T-spawn and aim for one of the windows in the roof that leads to the B site. Use the jumpthrow to ensure the grenade reaches its destination.

Timing: Beginning of the round.

When to use: When you plan to rush A and need to confuse the enemy.

Vertigo Smoke Site B from T Spawn #2

B Main Smoke from CT Spawn

This is a classic option among Vertigo smoke. It's great when the Counter-Terrorists are near the T-spawn, and the Terrorists go around. Launching this grenade to the stairs will block the CT team's view and let you plant the bomb.

Timing: Middle of the round.

When to use: If you went around the CT players and know they are at the stairs.

Vertigo Smoke Site B from CT Spawn

Elevator Smoke from Mid

Vertigo elevator smoke is essential to stall the CT players waiting on the A-site or confuse any snipers. It provides safe passage to the B bomb site, giving you the upper hand in the middle of the match.

Timing: Any.

When to use: To stall the CT players on A when you’re planting on B.

vertigo elevator smoke from mid

5. Mid Smoke from CT Spawn

If you want to plant safely on B and stop any CT-players coming to you from the mid, throw a smoke grenade into the passage. This will help you see the enemy first and ensure you get more time for your team to blow up the place.

Timing: Middle and end of the round.

When to use: To stall the CT players from the T spawn when you’re planting on B.

Mid Smoke

Sidewalk Smoke from T Spawn

The Sidewalk is often used by both teams for a surprise attack on the A-site. Use it to your advantage by setting a quick smoke grenade at the beginning of the game, preventing any CT-players from going into the location. You might want to practice this throw several times as it requires a high degree of precision.

Timing: Any.

When to use: When you know the CT players are coming from the Sidewalk, and you need to stall them for the bomb to go off.

Smoke Gap on de_vertigo  from t spawn(cs2)

Heaven Smoke from A Ramp

Smoking the door and connector from the ramp is a safe and effective way of stalling the CT-players arriving from that side. This throw doesn't require high precision and can be used during all stages of the match, depending on your situation. It's one of the most useful CS2 Vertigo smokes.

Timing: Any.

When to use: When you have to stall the CT players coming from B to let the bomb blow off.

CS2 Vertigo A Door Smoke From Ramp


While we categorized Vertigo smokes based on their use for Counter-Terrorists and Terrorists separately, note that they may always be used by both teams. The game is very dynamic and depends on your unique situation, so memorizing these smoke spots will help you maintain the upper ground on any occasion.

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