CS2 Vertigo Smokes

Vertigo smoke lineups are no different from those on any other map: there are lots of them, some are extremely difficult to do right, and you absolutely need to employ them to have any chance of winning. With this smoke, you can outsmart your enemies by reducing their vision and hiding your team’s maneuvers. So, let’s discover the best spots for your smoke grenades! But first, here’s a map of Vertigo callouts so you’ll have an easier time understanding what we’re talking about.

Callouts - Upper Vertigo

Callouts - Lower Vertigo
Vertigo A Smokes
Vertigo A site has a lot of open space, so you should know where exactly to apply a smoke grenade to hide yourself.
Elevator to Bottom Ramp
Vertigo Ramp smoke is relatively easy to deploy. Just launch the smoke grenade into the bottom ramp from the elevator to block the Terrorists from entering A Site. Watch the video closely:
- Stand near the entrance.
- Hold the LMB.
- Watch the shots: the first shot shows you where to aim, while the second shot shows you when to release the LMB.
This CS2 Vertigo Elevator smoke lineup will guarantee that the smoke lands exactly where you need it to be.
Sidewalk to Elevator
This Vertigo smoke will prevent Terrorists from rushing into A Site in the middle of the round. This way, you can make sure no unwanted guests will rush the site through the connector.
A Site to Crane
This smoke is usually applied by the members of the CT team when they know the enemies are rushing A Site (listen for your opponents crossing the Bridge). This trick will limit their vision if they decide to go to the Crane. Plus, it’ll provide your sniper in Heaven with an advantage over the opponents who decide to take the risk and go through the smoke.
A Site to Sidewalk
Another useful trick for the CTs. In combination with the smoke described above, you can turn A Site into a real fortress, making entering this area a real challenge for your enemies (or even forcing them to retreat).
Vertigo B Smokes
Now, let’s go to B Site, which is located on the opposite side of the map. You may notice that this area has a lot of cover and good ambush spots. As a rule, counter-terrorists use smokes in this location to stop the enemies rushing Mid or B Stairs. On the other hand, a combination of smoke and flashbangs can allow terrorists to capture this area, plant the bomb, and defend it without ever receiving direct enemy fire.
B Stairs to Cooler
If you are positioned under the stairs and know that at least some enemies are currently positioned around B Site, throwing smoke at the Generators may block the Terrorist’s vision and force their snipers to move forward. It’s also one of the smokes for Vertigo that can be used by the Terrorists to rush B Site at the beginning of the match. So, a universal map-control smoke. What’s not to love?
B Stairs to CT Spawn
For this throw, you should stand on the T-stairs. Aim to cover the Generators, from where the Counter-Terrorists can snipe your team. It’s among the most important smoke spots when planting on B site, so don’t hesitate to use it if the situation calls for it.
To see these strategies in action, you can check out professional CS2 games today.
Vertigo Mid Smokes
It’s impossible to imagine a CS2 match without a fight for dominance over Mid. Both teams should do their best to keep control over this area, and a timely smoke will surely help with this task.
CT Mid to T Mid
Considering that most of the T strategies for Vertigo require them to go through Mid, this lineup is extremely useful if you’re a CT. And it’s really easy to execute, too. Just move forward until you see the Mid and throw the grenade over the boxes. This will let you claim a good position and make the smoke last a bit longer.
T Mid to Elevator
Vertigo elevator smoke is essential to stall the CTs waiting on A Site or confuse their snipers. It can also provide your teammates with a safe passage to B Site, giving them the upper hand in the ensuing firefight.
Vertigo CT Smokes
Now, let’s get to the CS2 Vertigo lineups for the CT side. As a counter-terrorist, you want to stop the enemies from advancing quickly and force them to stall, and these smokes are designed for exactly that.
CT Spawn to B Stairs
This is one of the basic Vertigo smokes in CS2, thrown right from the CT spawn to the stairs on the B zone at the start of a round. It ensures your Counter-Terrorists buddies will see the enemy first and can block their advance.
CT Spawn to B Lower
This smoke is pretty similar to the previous one. A counter-terrorist can throw the smoke from the spawn to cover the entrance to the stairs. This will help CTs maintain position on the upper ground, as the Terrorists will likely have to change their plans on the go.
CT Spawn to B Site
A bit of an unorthodox move, yet it is used pretty often by Ts. This smoke is used when the Counter-Terrorists are near the T Spawn, and the Terrorists can pull an uno reverse card and get into the CT spawn. Launching this grenade to the stairs will block the CTs’ vision and let you plant the bomb safely.
CT Spawn to T Mid
If you want to plant on B and stop any CT players coming to you from Mid, throw a smoke grenade into the passage. This will help you see the enemy first and ensure you get more time for your team to blow up the place.
Vertigo T Smokes
Of course, terrorists also have a couple of tricks up their sleeves! Their Spawn smoke can hide their movements or, at least, avoid precise enemy fire. Moreover, as it is possible to throw smokes at both A and B Sites, terrorists can greatly confuse their opponents, making it impossible to predict where they will strike.
T Spawn to B Site
This is one of the best smokes to confuse the CT side at the beginning of the game. You’ll have to stand in the corner of the T Spawn and aim for one of the windows in the roof that leads to B Site. Do a jumpthrow to make sure the grenade will reach its destination.
T Spawn to Sidewalk
The Sidewalk is often used by both teams for surprise A Site attacks. Use it to your advantage by setting a quick smoke grenade at the beginning of the game, preventing any CT players from venturing into the location. You might want to practice this throw several times as it requires a good aim.
Other Useful CS Vertigo Smokes
Finally, let’s get through the Vertigo smokes that are difficult to categorize. Still, there is some useful stuff here.
Bridge to Ramp
This simple but effective smoke allows you to confuse the enemies protecting the Ramp. As a rule, it’s used by the terrorists, granting them a safe passage to the Sidewalk. At the same time, it’s also possible to combine this smoke with a flashbang to unexpectedly attack the enemies in front of the Ramp entrance.
Ramp to Heaven
Smoking the door and connector from the Ramp is a decent way of stalling the CT players arriving from that side. This throw doesn't require any precision and can be used at all stages of the round. It's one of the most useful CS2 Vertigo smokes.
Ramp to Elevator
A T attack can go wrong pretty fast, and sometimes, you’ll need to adapt your plans on the go. After an unsuccessful rush on B, you may need to move to A Site, and that’s where this smoke will stand you in good stead. It limits the enemy's vision in the Elevator, confusing the opponents entering this area from the Mid.