CS2 Sub-tick Explained

The introduction of the CS2 subtick marks a significant leap forward from the traditional tickrate mechanics in CS. While CS servers operated on fixed tick rates, CS2 sub-tick system promises to minimize frustrating in-game moments like missed shots and delayed hit registration. This technical upgrade redefines how the server processes player actions in real time, making the game more responsive and fair. And we are here today to finally make a subtick explained for you, so you can share your knowledge with fellow teammates.
What is a Subtick in CS2?

The CS2 tick system is a groundbreaking change in how player actions are registered by the server. In previous iterations, the game ran on tick rates, where the server updated and processed game data at fixed intervals: 64 or 128 ticks per second. However, even with higher CS2 tick rates, there was still a delay between when a player clicked to fire a weapon or move, and when the server processed that action.
CS2 sub tick removes the dependency on a fixed tickrate, but what does it mean though? Essentially, the server recognizes the precise timing of every player's shot, jump, peek, or even their hesitation. This enhancement aims to make gameplay in Counter-Strike smoother and more responsive than in previous versions. In theory, the tick rate in CS2 should be an improvement over the 128-tick system. Yet, players still report frustrations like getting hit behind corners or having their shots not land where their crosshairs are. There’s an explanation for this, which we'll explore further in the article.

How Does Sub-tick Work in CS2?
Sub-ticks work by enhancing the communication between the server and client in a more fluid, real-time manner. The moment a player fires their weapon or takes any other action, the system logs that input instantly and sends it to the server.
Here's a breakdown of how it works:
- Real-time data capture: As soon as a player clicks to shoot, the server captures the exact timestamp of that action.
- Continuous server awareness: CS2 tickrate ensures that player actions are registered immediately, minimizing delays between input and the server’s response.
- Improved hit registration: When you fire a shot in CS2, the system records the exact moment and the position of your crosshair, leading to more precise hit registration. In this video, you can see how it works. However, the issue seems to lie in the game’s animations, which still function according to older rules. This creates a disconnect between the server’s advanced processing and what players visually experience in-game.

Artificial intelligence (AI) also plays a huge role in optimizing the sub-tick system. It integrates machine learning algorithms that help the game adapt to player behavior patterns. For instance, the AI can predict potential latency issues and adjust accordingly before they become noticeable to the player, ensuring a smoother performance.
Is CS2 Change From a 128-tick System Worth It?
Without official data from Valve, we can only rely on community research. YouTuber MrMaxim used the network monitoring tool Wireshark to compare the networking behavior of three different Counter-Strike servers: a 64-tick Valve official server, a 128-tick community server, and a CS2 server that uses a sub-tick. The findings showed that the CS2 server's packet times closely match those of the 128-tick server.

Interestingly, the fastest packet times on the CS2 server are almost instantaneous, aligning with the sub-tick concept, though some slower times were also observed. This suggests that subtick in CS2 prioritizes specific in-game actions for immediate transmission, while other, less crucial actions may experience slight delays.
Interestingly, FACEIT, a well-known third-party matchmaking platform, even introduced CS2 128-tick servers. However, Valve intervened and enforced the sub-tick system across all servers, which caused some frustration among players. Nonetheless, this demonstrates Valve's commitment to making sub-tick the new standard.

To see these changes in action and understand how top players adapt, you can watch CS2 matches, for a closer look at the precision and strategy ensured by the new CS2 tick rate.
One more factor connected to the new sub-tick system is that some players are frustrated enough to prefer shotguns, a weapon less commonly used in CS:GO. With shotguns being more effective in close-quarters combat, players should be ready for tactics, like rushing through the Apartments on Inferno, where shotguns can dominate in tight spaces.

In conclusion, the sub-tick system in CS2 represents a significant improvement over the tickrate mechanics. It minimizes lag, enhances hit registration, and offers a fairer, more responsive gaming experience. While players might face a learning curve with the new system, those who adjust will benefit from increased precision and smoother gameplay. With Valve's continuous improvements and the integration of AI, the sub-tick system marks a future-ready evolution in competitive gaming. We hope that now, with the CS2 subtick explained, you can feel more confident and continue enjoying your favorite game!