
In Counter-Strike 2, every stage of the game is extremely important, and starting the match right can be as critical as properly finishing it. Having dealt with the opponents in the pistol round, the whole team will have a huge advantage, not to mention the difference in score. However, it’s easier said than done.

CS2 pistol rounds aren’t just for the players to stretch their fingers; they allow you to show your skills with more margin for error than the game’s later stages. Accidentally catching a couple of bullets in the body in the pistol round is dangerous but not fatal, which is quite a different story from facing an AWP.

To put it short, do not underestimate the importance of a pistol round in CS2, as those provide a foundation for your team's victory. And the tool you use for it is no less important. There are many different options to choose from, but what is the best pistol in CS2? That's what we're about to find out. In this article, we will explore which pistol has the best stats in the game and give you a ranking from the worst to the best for better clarity. Let's go!

Rating number


Head damage (without armor / with armor)

Chest damage (without armor / with armor)

Belly damage (without armor / with armor)

Legs damage (without armor / with armor)


Magazine capacity

Effective range


Desert Eagle



52/ 49

65/ 61

39/ 39 

2.2 s


24.6 m



140/ 70 

34/ 17 

43/ 22 

26/ 26

2.2 s


22 m



130/ 118

32/ 29

40/ 36

24/ 24

2.5 s


13 m



151/ 96

37/ 24

47/ 30

28/ 28

2.2 s


14 m



119/ 56

29/ 14

37/ 17

22/ 22

2.3 s


20.1 m/7.4 m 


Dual Berettas

150/ 86

37/ 21

46/ 26

28/ 28

3.77 s


16.93 m



123/ 95

30/ 23

38/ 29

23/ 23

2.8 s


11.4 m



140/ 70

34/ 17

43/ 22

26/ 26

2.2 s


22 m



126/ 115

31/ 28

39/ 36

23/ 23

2.2 s


14 m


R8 Revolver

343/ 319

85/ 79

107/ 99

64/ 64

2.3 s


18.9 m/2 m

10. R8 Revolver

R8 Revolver

When it comes to the best CS2 pistol, no one usually brings up the P8, and for a good reason. Revolver can be considered the worst weapons in counter-strike 2 among pistols. The whole point is that its niche is not quite clear. This revolver packs a punch comparable to the Deagle, but its fire rate is much lower. At the same time, the alternate right-click fire mode allows you to shoot faster, but at significantly lower accuracy. Thus, you either shoot fast and don't hit the enemy or shoot too slow to score a kill and get hit in response. This gun can be useful in very specific situations, such as narrow corridors, but in general, you won't choose it when any other alternative is available.

9. Five-SeveN


Another average gun with little to offer. Its problem, as in the previous case, is its questionable value when alternatives are available. Its damage is standard for its weapon class, its price is high, and its accuracy is mediocre. If you have enough cash for this pistol but not enough for the Deagle, it is better to run the current round with the good old USP-S to save for something sounder in the following one. The only plus point is its rather large magazine — 20 rounds of ammunition can cause some issues for the enemy.

Knowing the best weapons in CS2 can help you strategize better and win more rounds in your matches.

8. P2000


It is an alternative to USP-S for the CT side and has similar advantages and disadvantages as its renowned counterpart. This pistol is quite accurate, with one more round in the magazine than the USP-S. But there's not much point in taking it when you already have the USP-S in your hands. Most players will prefer other weapons for pistol rounds in CS2.

7. CZ75-Auto


CZ75-Auto once held the title of the best pistol in Counter-Strike 2, but was seriously nerfed at some point of the game’s evolution, and now occupies a pretty specific niche. The distinctive feature of this weapon is the automatic fire mode and high damage. However, those are made negligible by a ridiculous amount of ammo (12/12). Basically, the main scenario for using this weapon is a secondary option for AWPers. If an opponent suddenly shows up in close proximity, the ability to fire a deadly line directly into their face may come in handy. Therefore, you can add this pistol to your starting weapon setup, and the cs2 loadout tutorial on our website will help you with this.

6. Dual Berettas

Dual Berettas

These are definitely the best pistols in CS2 in terms of style. What could be cooler than taking a stand against the enemy team while shooting with two hands? Probably only doing it efficiently, and that's where the Dual Berettas have a problem. Their damage is pretty mediocre, and their accuracy is only good on the first shot. This is not very convenient when it comes to a weapon that is designed to shower the enemy with bullets. However, the virtually infinite ammo and the ability to throw a barrage of steel make this weapon a very popular choice in pistol rounds.

5. Glock-18


You know what it is if you've ever played Counter-Strike. It is the standard pistol for the Terrorist side, and there are many reasons to consider it one of the best CS pistols in general. First, it's free. You either get it for the terrorists from the beginning or pick it up from a slain enemy later. Secondly, it has almost no recoil when moving, which is extremely good for pushing. Finally, it has an interesting alternate fire mode of three bullets per click, which can be excellent in a tight corridor or for ambushing unaware opponents. A great weapon and a well-earned 5th spot on our list.

4. P250


Remember Glock-18? That's its big brother. It performs better at long range, has a higher rate of fire, and is quite cheap for what it does. You can get it for both sides, and a player armed with this gun and some skill can even stand up to an enemy rifler. If you have a whole team armed with P250s and smokes, you can shoot like there's no tomorrow. All in all, this is a great workhorse that will serve you well while you save up for something more powerful.

3. Tec-9


This pistol has almost everything to be considered one of the best CS2 pistols for the T side, and the only reason it's not in second place is that it costs money. The Tec-9 has great accuracy, a huge ammo capacity, and it's fully automatic. Why buy a rifle at all when you have this marvel of engineering? Of course, it won't replace a full-fledged AK, but if you don't have enough money for it, this is your best choice. Extremely functional weapon and the reason for Counter-Terrorist envy. If you are killed with this weapon in your hands, the lucky enemy will certainly pick it up.

2. USP-S


It's a near-perfect starter weapon and definitely one of the best CS2 pistols for CT. While the terrorists gain an advantage towards the end of the match due to better rifles, the CT side does better at the beginning due to this little wand of death. The USP-S is quiet, deadly, and has pretty good accuracy, even at long ranges. And, last but not least, the CT side gets it for free, which puts it in second place on our list of the best pistols in CS2.

1. Desert Eagle

Desert Eagle

And finally, the undisputed champion of our top. You may disagree with the previous positions, but no one will argue that the best pistol to use in Counter-Strike 2 is the Desert Eagle. It has amazing accuracy and incredible damage, along with excellent armor penetration. A headshot from this "hand cannon" is a guaranteed death, and even Kevlar won't save a hesitant enemy if you land several accurate hits on the body. Therefore, to own this wonderful pistol, you simply need to know how to shoot a desert eagle to effectively destroy enemies. A great weapon and a worthy finale to our CS2 pistols rating. The Deagle, like the previous USP-S, has relatively low recoil cs2 spray patterns.


So, that was the rating of the best pistols in CS2. As you can see, for many years now and in all versions of Counter-Strike, the meta hasn't changed, and the best pistol award is rightfully reserved for the Desert Eagle. Its firepower is unparalleled, and with proper skill, it can easily win fights with opponents using automatic weapons. A good old Deagle is a must-have whenever you have the money for it. Moreover, history knows cases when the outcome of major tournaments was decided by a shot from the Deagle (or a missed shot from the Deagle, like at PGL Major Stockholm 2021).

However, if we talk about the top pistol in CS besides the Desert Eagle, it's probably USP-S. It is free, and its damage is quite good. In addition, it comes with a silencer, which allows you to act tactically and not give away your position too early. In conclusion, remember that it is not so much the gun that matters as the player holding it. Only by achieving a high level of skill will you make the difference and get your team victory. A Deagle, however, will also be useful for that!

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