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  • How to Win at 1v1 in CS2: Aim, Movement, Weapon, and More
How to Win at 1v1 in CS2

All first-person shooters have a core common thing that will definitely occur during the game — the need to kill an opponent in the 1v1 duel faster than they will do it. And while ‘getting more practice’ sounds like a good plan, knowing some tips on how to play better 1v1 in CS2 can make this process faster and smoother.

Our guide with useful tips on 1v1 gameplay in CS2 will come in handy for different situations, including in-game clutches and one-on-one maps. Of course, experienced players with high ranks won’t find anything out of the ordinary here, but newcomers and those who want to improve their gameplay will undoubtedly benefit from our tutorial.

Here is a reminder and full guide on how to set up a 1v1 server in CS2 for training or having fun with a friend.

Important Aspects That Affect Your Success in CS2 1v1 Matches

We’ve defined 5 basic things or aspects that will help to understand how to win 1v1 in CS:

Detection and Understanding Info

Detection and Understanding Info

Jump-check on Mirage B Site

You have to perceive every clutch moment as a game in which players make mistakes. Your goal is to be the first one to catch your opponent in a mistake and punish him. This way, we consistently gain information and minimize the risk of being caught off guard.

Independently of the arena type (competitive or 1-on-1 aim battlefield), you have to be one step ahead of your opponent by gathering info about him. It can be sound cues like weapon change or reloading, thrown grenades, footsteps, or jumps — everything that could work in your favor. So, keeping a low profile while gathering info is the best possible option, but don’t be over-cautious as it usually leads to standing in predictable positions, and good opponents will pre-fire you. Remember checking a single firing angle at a time, shoulder picks, and careful jumping at long ranges — these are the most important tips on how to win at CS2 1v1 duels.

Learning how to shoot better in CS2 can drastically enhance your performance and lead to more victories.

Right Movement & Coverage

Right Movement & Coverage

Mirage B Site Apps Holding: Upper Image—Vulnerable to players coming from the Short; Lower Image — full and safe focus on Players coming from the Apps

One of the ways how to get better at CS2 1v1 is constant movement with stops only for shooting. Ideally, you should use shelters that conceal your position from your opponent. Depending on the map, always try to take the most beneficial position, exposing a minimum amount of your player model while firing. An ideal option would be to expose only your player model’s head while firing, using crouching for one angle and standing for others.

Another important feature is to hold only a single firing angle at once and try to pick opponents responsively. Thus, there is no need for wide strafes as they require fast crosshair movement, whereas picking position by position with pre-aiming crosshair placement is the real Pro approach.

Picking a Weapon

Picking a Weapon

M4A1-S with a single bullet against an opponent with a Helmet — bad idea

Of course, everything depends on your preferences, but we will still mention a couple of facts. It is better to choose the AK-47 in the MatchMaking modes and on the aim maps that assume helmet-wearing. It is pretty obvious why: because it takes only one shot for an AK-47 to kill you with a headshot with a helmet on, and it takes two shots for an M4A1.

But in games in which there is no option of a helmet or armor, it is better to choose the M4. Why? Because it is a known fact that without a helmet on, players using both the AK-47 and the M4A1 can kill you with only one shot. However, the M4 has a faster rate of fire, a higher movement speed, and a lower recoil, which, in general, gives you a pretty good advantage.

If we talk about how to win at 1v1 in CS2 clutches on Competitive maps, everything depends on the distances and available info. Therefore, there is no need to hold the angle with AWP if you know that the opponent has around 10 health points, and you simply better use Glock-18. Also, consider the number of bullets left in the magazine and the number of opponents coming from a particular area.

Check out our tips on choosing the best CS2 close-range weapons and learn how to use them in clutches.

Aim and Crosshair Positioning

Aim and Crosshair Positioning

Use the most popular weapon in the game for one-tap headshot training — AK-47

The first of the cs2 aiming tips is that ideally, you have to keep your crosshair on the potential headshot angle almost every time in the game, including clutches and 1 on 1 situations. However, it can be challenging if you are a newcomer and don’t have enough sharpness in your movements; just practice it.

In this regard, aim maps are the best choice for learning how to win at 1v1 duels in Counter-Strike 2 as they favor masters of headshots. You can even start from duels with bots or 5v5 battles before diving into a competitive map pool and polishing your aiming skills there.

With a CS2 crosshair maker, you can customize your crosshair to perfectly match your aiming style.

Predictability and Mind Games

Predictability and Mind Games

Killing from behind — is a separate art in Counter-Strike

Many players play very predictably. Often, you can learn their movement in a couple of rounds. Some of them check and recheck the same corner at regular intervals of time. Others, after unsuccessful peeking on one side of the cover, would definitely peek on the other side as well.

How to win a CS2 1v1 fight knowing this information? Predicting the behavior of such players will help you to pre-fire at the positions they will emerge from. If you end up in the same situation you were instantly killed in before while peeking, then the first thing you should do is rethink your movement. Most likely, you play very predictably. You should try to move as unpredictably as possible.

In matchmaking modes, you can use grenades and tricky sound cues to outsmart your opponents, which comes only with experience. Watching pro team matches or videos of how skillful players act in clutches also helps to understand how to win at 1v1 in Counter-Strike 2.

8 Most Important Tips to Improve 1v1 in Counter-Strike 2

Undoubtedly, there are more than 8 recommendations that can help you succeed in one-on-one situations and clutches. However, the below list of tips to improve 1v1 in CS2 is the basics you can start with.

Open Up to Lower Amount of Shooting Angles

Open Up to Lower Amount of Shooting Angles

A few steps difference, but the need to fight three opponents at a time

Fighting a smaller number of opponents is always easier and, what’s more, safer. That is why it’s better to pick position by position, without wide strafes, especially if there are a few opponents, as you need to isolate the duels.

Sometimes, it’s impossible to get out from some corners or doors without a wide opening that can expose you to a bunch of enemies, so just choose the preferable direction to check first and master this algorithm. And one more effective 1v1 tip in CS2 is to remember to hold your crosshair on your opponent’s probable position, as it gives a pre-firing advantage with no need for extra movement.

Don’t Wait in Open Positions

If you have to wait for your opponent, CS 1v1 gameplay tip would be not picking an open position far from any coverage. Even if you have properly selected your aim, having the opportunity to strafe and hide will save you with a much higher probability.

Take Pistol Instead of Rifle Reloading

During an active skirmish, bullets can end pretty quickly, and if you and your opponent have no coverage to hide — press “2” and take a pistol. That’s how you win at 1v1 in CS2 in many cases. Reloading usually takes more than 3 seconds, and you can take your opponent down with a default pistol during such a ‘long’ period.

Use Sound Cues in Your Favor

There are plenty of Counter-Strike 1v1 strategies that can help to confuse your opponent. For instance, it can be fake reloading (the opponent can think he has a few seconds to finish you) or dropping a pistol to imitate a jump. Also, many pro players will surely rush your position if they hear the sound of pulling the ring out of the grenade to catch you off guard.

Don’t Uncover Your Position with Doubtful Nades

Plenty of 1vs1 situations are the mystery for both sides, and even dealing with flashbangs requires a bit of vigilance. While some grenades can deliver perks, some can cause you trouble if thrown carelessly. For example, HE grenade or Incendiary can often be thrown in the wrong position. Not only won’t they blind your opponent, but also reveal your current position to them.

Use Existing Elevations and Covering Obstacles

One of the basic tips to play 1v1 in CS more successfully is to use all the existing boxes, walls, and elevations in your favor. For instance, staying on the edge of the box allows you to shoot and then jump behind the coverage. Waiting for your opponent in the middle of stairs can confuse him, while elevations allow you to change position fast and be more unpredictable.

Take Safer Angles When Having Low HP in a CS2 Duel

When you have full HP (health points), and you feel that you control the situation, you can allow yourself to play aggressively. For example, abruptly exiting cover with a long strafe or even a jump if you feel you dominate your vis-a-vis. We certainly don’t recommend either of these options, but in some situations, such a move can catch your opponent off guard, which can eventually benefit you in the next couple of rounds.

But, in situations in which you have low HP, you should not do this under any circumstances. Your goal is to make it hard for your opponent to kill you. So, in that case, the ideal position would be the one from which only your head will be seen while peeking and firing.

Rush in CS2 1v1 Situation When Feel Enough Confidence

Competitive Counter-Strike has always been the game where emotions and psychological conditions matter a lot. Sometimes, you can feel your opponent and simply understand that he cannot cope with your moves, even if they are pretty straightforward. Applying constant pressure can be a good option to undermine his confidence and make him sweat bullets. Just don’t forget to pre-fire the most common spots and positions to increase the opponent’s self-doubt.

Playing on top CS2 1v1 maps can be an effective way to improve your aim and duel skills

How to Troll Your Friend in CS2 1v1: 8 Commands

How to Troll Your Friend in CS2 1v1

Playing 1v1 in CS2 nowadays means downloading the map from the Workshop and setting it as the local game server. While it can be annoying, it opens opportunities for those who are ready to learn a few console commands that can troll your friend who entered the map for a fair duel. Usually, it starts with the command “sv_cheats 1”, which opens access to all other commands, but be ready that your friend can use those tricks too.

Console command

Meaning / Effect

sv_cheats 1

Activates cheating and tricky commands


Protects you from any kind of damage


Allows you to fly, even through walls or below-ground textures

mp_buytime 9999

Buy whenever you want during the round time

mp_buy_anywhere 1

Buy anywhere on the map

sv_infinite_ammo 1

Ammunition and grenades won’t end

give weapon_incgrenade

give weapon_flashbang

give weapon_smokegrenade

give weapon_molotov

give weapon_decoy

give weapon_hegrenade

Buy any grenade you want

sv_gravity 100

Compared to the default gravity set at 800, it allows flying for about 10 seconds in the air. During the fly, the one becomes a good target and cannot shoot precisely because of increased inaccuracy

sv_gravity 20000

The increase of gravity makes almost every height deadly if you jump from it, even a small box. Works perfectly after decreasing the gravity (allowing another player to fly easily after a jump) and then making it deadly when he is in the air

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1 743 533
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1 802 853

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