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  • CS2 Skin Inspect Server: How to Inspect CS2 Skins Online
How to Inspect CS2 Skins in-Game

The importance of skins in CS2 cannot be overestimated, with the community unconsciously seeking the best ones for their collections. Prices sometimes can skyrocket and beat the six-digit price tag, especially if we are talking about the rare patterns of the Blue Gem skins for AK-47. But is it possible to inspect skins in Counter-Strike 2 without buying them or before placing some costly stickers?

Luckily, everyone can inspect skins in CS2 free of charge before making expensive purchases to be sure the real in-game appearance meets their expectations. Let’s find out how.

How Does Skin Inspection Work in Counter-Strike 2?

Those players who don’t know how to inspect skins in CS2 can be a bit scared of using third-party tools for this procedure. Of course, you should double-check when using your Steam account and avoid any suspicious activity so as not to suffer from online robbery.

So, here is a general plan on how to inspect skins using the CS2 skin test server and what is needed:

  1. Open the website or join a Discord channel with servers’ IP addresses where you can test any skin;
  2. Choose the location + map you want, and join the server;
  3. Use the online website to generate a special code for any CS2 skin (including knives and gloves), adding any stickers if you want;
  4. Copy this code and insert it into the game server;
  5. Enjoy looking at the pre-set combination in the game conditions, try to shoot, and so on.

This procedure takes a few minutes at most, with most of the time spent choosing or crafting the skin-sticker combination for any CS2 float extension. Still, let’s divide the whole procedure of inspecting any CS2 skins into two parts, focusing on how to find and join servers and how to enable generated codes and test skins.

How to Find Current Servers

One key element that helps to inspect CS2 skins in the game is joining a specific server that allows the use of special codes and the display of any skin and sticker. Finding active online ones can be done in three ways: joining a Discord channel (owned by well-known steamers), googling, or sticking with friends or authoritative site recommendations.

What Sites and Discord Channels to Rely On for Skins Inspection?

The transition from CS:GO to CS2 led to plenty of visual changes in the game. So, if you had some saved servers or websites, we guess they made the needed changes or simply aren’t active now. Still, the main requirement for the needed website or discord channel is to be popular and authoritative enough.

For instance, we’ve tested the whole procedure described below on, which is a pretty suitable and comfortable CS2 skin inspect server serving as an all-in-one-place resource for testing skins in Counter-Strike 2. At the same time, some popular streamers, like ohnePixel, have their own discord channels that actually have the same possibilities.

So, you just need to stick with elementary cyber hygiene and use trusted destinations.

Let’s start with the Discord channels and particularly how to join the needed one. We guess if you are reading this section, you already have a Discord account and a separate desktop application for it. Now you have to join a Discord channel, which belongs to a streamer. So, let’s choose a proven one that belongs to ohnePixel to show the procedure:

1. Click on this link to be redirected to ohnePixel’s Discord channel. Agree and open the App.

How to Join the Discord Community

2. Join the server. By the way, a huge overall members list is a confirmation the server is secure enough. It also means that chats are under moderation and have behavior rules, so don’t forget to be polite.

Join the server

3. There, you can find the ‘Server Guide’ (or something similar in other channels) and choose the option with skin servers. You will be readdressed to the separate channels, where the list of servers and overall video guide is present.

You can find the ‘Server Guide’

4. Follow the presented steps and enjoy.

In case you want to pick a different channel, just find a popular streamer on YouTube or Twitch who has one.

Choosing Servers: Region and Map

However, maybe not everyone has Discord or simply doesn’t want to join any new servers and will prefer this method. Luckily, it’s unneeded as plenty of websites offer the same functionality under the understandable visualization.

Choosing Servers

So, go to and choose the active skin inspect server in CS2. Of course, it’s better to choose the one that is located in your region, while the map should be the one with renewed light processing (Inferno, Overpass, Nuke, Ancient, Anubis). Also, it’s better to choose the server with fewer players on it, so let’s dive into Europe | Nuke with ten players on it.

Go to

Connecting to the Chosen Server

After clicking ‘Connect’ as shown in the previous screenshot, your browser will likely ask you to allow Steam to open.

Connecting to the Chosen Server

While it can look suspicious, it will just open your Steam, launch Counter-Strike 2, and connect to the CS2 inspect server automatically.

Launch Counter-Strike 2

Since any CS2 skin inspect server is pretty unique in terms of its setting, this one also has the ‘sv_cheats 1’ console command activated. This means you can use the ‘noclip’ command to fly to any point on the map and find out how the skin not from your inventory will look in daylight or with lamp-generated lightning.

Console command activated


Of course, joining the server makes almost no sense if you don’t know how to generate a needed code and then inspect CS2 skins in the game directly. Luckily, is the only destination you need to know (feel free to use any site you trust), and it is pretty simple to use. On such servers you can choose any skins, even the most expensive CS2 skins.

Choose the Weapon You Want to Inspect

After opening the site and joining the server, you must return to your browser and open the home page once again. There, you can pick the diverse types of weapons and gloves you want to explore in the game. Let’s start with a primary gun, choosing a very expensive (up to $10,000) AWP | Gungnir to prove everything is possible.

So, right on the homepage, you can see the Primary tab; click on it, but not the ‘Customize Stickers’ button — we’ll use it a bit later.

Choose the Weapon You Want to Inspect

After clicking on the ‘Primary’ tab, you will see a big table with weapons on the right side of the screen. To simplify the process, use the search bar and enter the first letter of the skin you need.

Clicking on the ‘Primary’ tab

Customize Stickers as You Like

After the CS2 update on February 6, 2024, developers made it possible to add an additional fifth sticker to the weapon. Moreover, now, you are free to locate stickers anywhere on the weapon.

By clicking the ‘Plus’ button under the weapon, you’ll receive an opportunity to choose any five stickers. Let’s use Holo stickers of two GOATs, s1mple and ZywOo, dedicated to their presence on two CS:GO Majors, Paris 2023 and Rio 2022. If you are OK with default positions for stickers, you can click on the shown ‘Copy’ button to add the generated code for the skin and stickers to buffer. At this same stage, you can also add a particular Name Tag, choose Pattern and presence of StatTrak, and enter the Wear of the weapon in the responsive table in the left corner.

Customize Stickers as You Like

Finally, we came to the ‘Customize Stickers’ button, which allows you to locate each of the chosen stickers in the new tab as you want. After finding the place for each sticker, simply close this extra window in the upper right corner. Click on the ‘Copy’ button to copy the new code for the skin-sticker combination.

Came to the ‘Customize Stickers’ button

Return to the Server and Look at Your Skin

After returning to the server, you need to make a single step: press the ‘Y’ button (or another one that stands for ‘say everyone’ on your keyboard) and paste the copied code (Ctrl + V or right-click and ‘Paste’).

Return to the Server and Look at Your Skin

After pressing the ‘Enter’ button, the chosen skin will appear in your hands.

Pressing the ‘Enter’ button

Adjust Sticker Placement if Needed and Look Once Again

In the image above, we can clearly see only two stickers. You can return to the website, click ‘Customize Sticker’ once again, and move them into another rifle part. Don’t forget to ‘Copy’ the renewed code and paste it once again into the ‘say everyone’ window in the game.

Adjust Sticker Placement if Needed

This time, the placement of skins is much better, proving that using a CS2 skin test server can be easy and pretty useful.

Use Combo for a Full Skins Setup

Counter-Strike players often wonder if there is a way to inspect CS2 skins online using some kind of combo or a bunch of skins at once. This procedure is simple enough and reminiscent of the one we’ve described for the AWP.

So, choose the pistol you want, then add and adjust stickers on it. Then go to the Knives and Gloves, and choose the ones you want to look at from the first person on your own PC. Taking into account that some Gloves, Knives, and shooting guns can cost dozens of thousands of dollars, you can see in the game what the most expensive CS2 inventories can look like without spending a penny.

Use Combo for a Full Skins Setup

After setting up all the needed elements for the upcoming test, go to the upper side of the screen and find the ‘Save Combo’ button. Click on it so the system will generate the shorter code and then ‘Copy’ it.

Find the ‘Save Combo’ button

Return to the game, press ‘Y,’ paste this shortened code, and click ‘Enter.’ That’s how you can inspect skins on the CS2 server.

Paste this shortened code, and click ‘Enter.

Since you may want to inspect skins in the game CS2 and compare them, don’t forget to drop your guns on the server before entering a new code. Moreover, you can even drop a knife (Gloves can only change). And if you're a fan of cool knives, you'll probably be interested in how to use any knife in CS2 private match and play with your favorite one for free. After entering a few setups, you can pick up dropped guns and make another comparison circle. However, be attentive, as other players on the server can also pick up those generated guns.

If you like a skin but can't decide if it's right for you, you need to know how to rent CS2 skins to spend more time with it and make a final decision.


Now you know how to test skins in CS2 without spending a penny, even if they cost like a new business car. As you can see, this procedure is pretty simple, fast, and safe. You can even troll your friends by sending them a photo of the new skin and telling them that you bought or got it from the case.

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