Best Skin and Sticker Combos in CS2

Since the introduction of free sticker positioning in February 2024, amazing CS2 sticker combos have been emerging almost daily. There are so many, in fact, that it is very time-consuming for an average CS player to explore all the available stuff to get something decent. Well, that’s why you have us! For this article, we’ve carefully selected only the coolest and most interesting combos out there.

Before we start, it’s important to note that the price is not the main determining factor in our best CS2 crafts list. While we will check some of the most legendary and expensive skins today, we’ll also visit authentic, unique, and affordable combos. We also want to remind you that the prices shown are current at the time of writing and may change over time. Have fun reading!

Pistol – Tec-9 Ice Cap | Blue Gem (Glitter)

Tec-9 Ice Cap
Blue Gem (Glitter)

Let’s open up the list of the best sticker and skin combos in CS2 with a shiny Tec-9 | Ice Cap + Blue Gem (Glitter). To get this catchy design, stack 5 stickers on the mag so it is completely covered.

Combo Tec-9 Ice Cap and Blue Gem (Glitter)

The top of a pistol, rich with all kinds of blue shades, contrasting the dark body and a light blue diamond-shining dynamic mag, creates a stunning jewel-like look that can make any loadout look stylish. Surprisingly (and somewhat ironically, considering the sticker’s name), the whole thing will cost you less than $20. Pretty nice, right?

Price (skin): $0.12 (BS) – $0.48 (FN)

Price (sticker): $3.06

Pistol – Glock-18 Dragon Tattoo | Team Dignitas (Holo) | Katowice 2014

Glock-18 Dragon Tattoo
Team Dignitas (Holo) | Katowice 2014

Another one of the great CS2 skin and sticker combos we’d like to mention is several weight classes above Tec-9 in terms of price. We’re talking about Glock-18 | Dragon Tattoo + Team Dignitas (Holo) | Katowice 2014 — an awesome classic blend that typically shows up in pro games (you’re unlikely to see it in a casual game as it’s worth more than $20k) It’s like a golden standard against which other sticker-skin combos are measured, and it is here to stay.

Combo Glock-18 Dragon Tattoo and Team Dignitas (Holo) | Katowice 2014

One possible reason for the combo’s popularity might be its interesting visuals. The sticker character’s head levels out the contrast between Glock’s light and dark gray areas and makes the skin look smoother. Or maybe it’s the mysterious depth of orange-red eyes, a perfect finish for the otherwise minimalist color scheme. Either way, this is one of the best CS2 sticker combos, and the market demand is insane.

Price (skin): $80.62 (MW) – $82.59 (FN)

Price (sticker): $25,013

Pistol – Desert Eagle Night | Incineration (Holo)

Desert Eagle Night
Incineration (Holo)

Desert Eagle | Blaze is one of those skins that look striking despite being fairly simple: a black body with a blazing barrel conveys the essence of this pistol in an extremely straightforward way. Yet, it’s a $500+ skin, so some crafty players figured out a way to mimic it with clever sticker placement.

Combo Desert Eagle Night and Incineration (Holo)

Leading the charts of best CS2 crafts for Night are 5 Incineration (Holo) stickers placed on the barrel. The whole thing costs less than $100 and improves the skin without ruining its vibe. Just look at it: same black body, but now with a vibrant, aggressive, fiery barrel. It’s basically Blaze, only with 5 times less price. Pretty neat, don’t you think?

Price (skin): $60.72 (FN) – $9.77 (BS)

Price (sticker): $3.47

Rifle – AK-47 Redline | Battle Scarred

AK-47 Redline
Battle Scarred

AK-47 Redline and Battle Scarred stickers are like gin and tonic, like a drummer and a bass player — they are just meant to go together. No wonder this combo has been and still is one of the most popular in the whole game.

Combo AK-47 Redline and Battle Scarred

Sophisticated red lines on top of the skin’s high-tech dark layer are among the more interesting visual compositions CS can offer. Add the hostile feel of Battle Scarred stickers into the mix (literally anywhere on this skin), and a trusty AK starts to look so menacing that we honestly wouldn't like to be anywhere near its wielder.

Price (skin): $10.16 (BS) – $94.99 (MW)

Price (sticker): $3.65

Rifle – AK-47 Jaguar | iBUYPOWER (Holo) | Katowice 2014

AK-47 Jaguar
iBUYPOWER (Holo) | Katowice 2014

AK-47 Jaguar + iBUYPOWER (Holo) | Katowice 2014 is one of the best CS2 sticker crafts ever. The thing is that the sticker almost perfectly matches the head size of the cat pictured on the AK-47 Jaguar. Given the fact that you can now rotate stickers any way you like, it’s easy to find a perfect angle and turn your plain camo skin into an all-new beast.

Combo AK-47 Jaguar and iBUYPOWER (Holo) | Katowice 2014

What cons does this beauty have? Ah, yes, the sticker costs $69k+. The good news is that there are more iBUYPOWER that are way cheaper, so you can always try out different options when the prices of the best CS2 crafts get too ludicrous.

Price (skin): $32.54 (BS) – $158.99 (FN)

Price (sticker): $69,696

Rifle – AK-47 Case Hardened | Titan (Holo) | Katowice 2014

AK-47 Case Hardened
Titan (Holo) | Katowice 2014

AK-47 Case Hardened with the Titan (Holo) | Katowice 2014 sticker is another famous combo. Not only are both the skin and the sticker extremely popular to begin with, but they also come in roughly the same colors.

Combo AK-47 Case Hardened and Titan (Holo) | Katowice 2014

If we choose an expensive AK-47 Blue Gem pattern, the combo can cost up to several hundreds of thousands. Truly mind-blowing! The #661 AK-47 Case Hardened Blue Gem with 4x Titan Holos was recently sold for $400k, so there’s that. Sure, it looks great, all shiny, glittering, and sparkling all the way, but is it worth the money? Well, it's not for us to decide.

Price (skin): $152.09 (BS) – $335.13 (MW)

Price (sticker): $60,000

SMG – PP-Bizon Candy Apple | paiN Gaming | Paris 2023

PP-Bizon Candy Apple
paiN Gaming | Paris 2023

Now moving to SMGs. During our research, we’ve encountered a fun idea from Reddit worth mentioning in the article. The author called it a “PPPPP-Bizon,” and it’s a cheap and fun craft that combines PP-Bizon | Candy Apple with a bunch of paiN Gaming | Paris 2023 placed in a row.

Combo PP-Bizon Candy Apple and paiN Gaming | Paris 2023

If the combo will become super trendy (as we believe it should), remember that you’ve seen it here first!

Price (skin): $0.03 (FT) – $0.06 (FN)

Price (sticker): $0.01

SMG – UMP Roadblock | Apeks (Glitter) | Copenhagen 2024

UMP Roadblock
Apeks (Glitter) | Copenhagen 2024

Next up is another affordable craft for SMG that compliments the original design really well. UMP Roadblock has an orange bar in the middle of the frame that gives the skin a laser tag weapon vibe. Why not take it to the logical next step? Apeks (Glitter) | Copenhagen 2024 stickers are a perfect tool to extend that sci-fi feel players get using UMP | Roadblock. Place 5 stickers on the orange bar (some of them should be upside down to match the shape) to get an upgraded dynamic look.

Combo UMP Roadblock and Apeks (Glitter) | Copenhagen 2024

Price (skin): $0.03 (BS) – $0.17 (FN)

Price (sticker): $0.07

SMG – MAC-10 Heat | Health (Gold)

MAC-10 Heat
Health (Gold)

Last but not least in the SMG category is MAC-10 | Heat with the Health (Gold) sticker. While not all too similar at first glance, the sticker and the skin match surprisingly well. Both have a distinct metallic feel, and a trio of hearts can add some much-needed texture to the otherwise blank surfaces of Heat. Players also say that having a stylish healthbar can help you keep your cool and not die from stupid stuff. In any case, you can find an alternative to Heat among CS2 gold stickers.

Combo MAC-10 Heat and Health (Gold)

Jokes aside, a gold sticker with red hearts is a natural match for many metal-themed skins, and this one is no exception.

Price (skin): $1.59 (BS) – $5.75 (FN)

Price (sticker): $11.06

Heavy – Negev Power Loader | Natus Vincere | Paris 2023

Negev Power Loader
Natus Vincere | Paris 2023

We’re finishing our list of the best CS2 skin and sticker combinations on a Heavy note with Negev | Power Loader. This straightforward, clean, and colorful skin comes with geometric shapes that create an illusion of motion toward the opponent. Remember the NAVI logo? Kinda the same vibe. Well, what if we place 5 Natus Vincere | Paris 2023 stickers in a row anywhere on this machine gun? They will match perfectly!

Combo Negev Power Loader and Natus Vincere | Paris 2023

A stunning addition to the original design that refreshes the overall feel and can also mark you as a NAVI fan. One of the best sticker combos in CS2, for sure.

Price (skin): $0.71 (BS) – $5.36 (FN)

Price (sticker): $0.01

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