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  • Why CS:GO Players Tilt a Keyboard — Let's Figure It Out!

If you are not just a CS:GO player but an active game fan, you’ve probably noticed that pro players often tilt their keyboards. While the aim skills are critical, those gadgets are as important as the mice, and the reasons why pro CS:GO gamers turn a keyboard take deep historical roots.

The tilting angle varies from player to player, usually having deep habitual roots.

Most pros have costly keyboards with light effects, while mechanical key switches help to feel every push for more precise usage. But why do pro CS:GO players turn their keyboards, and how do they choose an inclination? Does it matter, and can it help you to play better? Let’s go step by step.

4 Reasons Why Pro CS:GO Players Turn Their Keyboard

The question ‘Why do CS:GO pros tilt their keyboard?’ has four valuable answers:

To Have More Space for Mouse

The reality is that computer games are different, and the FPS ones, like Counter-Strike, are mostly about mouse movement precision. Having more space for the mouse means setting lover sensitivity, which leads to better muscle memory and sharper aiming accuracy. Thus, turning the typical keyboard by 90 degrees can increase the space for the mouse pad up to 3 times (45/15 = 3).

A typical keyboard is three times longer than wider.

To Avoid a Hanging Elbow

The question ‘Why do CS:GO players turn their keyboards?’ also has a pretty unusual answer. The small gaming table is a common thing even for richer people, as the ergonomics of this furniture is often vital. In such conditions, the width and lengths can be critical, especially if one needs to put a PC on the table or keep some extra gadgets on it. All in all, it leads to a hanging elbow, which is not so critical for CS:GO gaming but playing a couple of hours in a row with maximum concentration will surely cause discomfort.

To Be Ready for Offline Conditions

Gaming computer clubs aren’t the most popular place among recent teenagers, while 20 years ago, they were places where CS 1.6 Majors were played. Those who visited such a place know about the lack of free space on the typical table, where tilting makes a lot of sense. Even now, some tier 3 tournaments of local importance can be played at gaming clubs, and being prepared to turn their wrists benefits in those tougher conditions.

A classic gaming club with limited desk space for a player.

Old-School Habits

With the new generation of CS:GO pros mostly coming from Faceit or ESEA leagues, the older ones remember gaming clubs very well. After spending tons of hours there, they just cannot play with a typical keyboard positioning as their wrist requires some tilting inclination. And while old-school players have enough reasons to turn the keyboard, plenty of gamers just follow their favorite players. Instead of asking ‘Why do CS:GO players tilt keyboards,’ many simply think ‘Why not?’

Do I Need to Learn to Play With a Turned Keyboard?

There is NO NEED to turn your keyboard, as it won’t improve your shooting skills or ability to move. That is only a matter of habit setup and your wrist to cope with a new angle.

Moreover, you can ignore keyboard tilting if you are not planning to travel and participate in offline Esports tournaments with not-so-comfortable conditions. Those who have enough desk space for standard gear, a huge mouse pad, and still can locate a favorite drink near the monitor don't have to test and strain their wrists.

However, tilting a keyboard makes sense if you plan to grow and try your forces on the local offline Counter-Strike: Global Offensive tournaments. But why do CS:GO players tilt their keyboard if they can use a shortened alternative, which takes up less space on the table? It's a good question, and most professionals love bigger keyboards because of more binding options, which often include the usage of a numeric keypad as well. If you're curious about how these professionals perform in matches, you might want to check out our CS2 pro player stats. So, you must find a balance that will fit your personal needs and preferences and decide whether you need to tilt a keypad.

Left: Keyboard without a numeric keypad.
Right: A shortened version that is enough for FPS games.


Why do Counter-Strike players tilt their keyboards? The straightforward answer is to have more space on the gaming desk, which can be used for a bigger mouse pad or to avoid a hanging elbow. However, the modern CS:GO pros often turn their keypads because of the simple old school habit, which refers to challenging conditions with small desks in the past. It can be a useful change if you are ready to test your wrist or want to have your own style at local offline events. In other cases, it makes little to no sense, as it's not impacting the gaming process.


Tilting a keyboard can give advantages in the game ONLY if it gives more space for mouse movement, leading to lower sensitivity settings and sharper aim.

A tilted keyboard is a matter of habit, having little impact on the gaming process. The main difficulty is to get your wrist used to the inclination change, as it can hurt and tire at the beginning.

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