- Profilerr
- Steam ID Finder
- Предприниматель

- Level
- N/A
- Joined
- N/A
Is it your account? Wanna sell it?
Approximate Total Value
- Games Value
- $0.00
- Level Value
- $0.00
Предприниматель's SteamIDs
- Steam Community ID
- Predprinimatelsvo
- Steam32ID
- 757629348
- SteamID
- STEAM_1:0:378814674
- Steam64ID
- 76561198717895076
- Steam3ID
- [U:1:757629348]
- FiveM, Hex
- steam:11000012d2881a4
Bans and restrictions
- Game Bans
- 6 Bans
- Community Bans
- In Good Standing
- VAC Bans
- 1 Ban
- Trade Ban
- In Good Standing
Hours per platform
- Total
- 0h 0m
- Linux
- 0h 0m
- Windows
- 0h 0m
- MacOS
- 0h 0m
Share Your Account Info
Why Does Предприниматель’s Account Costs $0.00?
This Steam account was created in N/A
The Profilerr’s formula of the Total Value of the profile is:
0 purchased games + 0 free games at zero cost + N/A Level’s price*
We calculate this as buying of sets for CS2 Skins and Keys at websites like lvlupsteam.com
Предприниматель hasn't played yet.
Interesting Facts about SteamID 76561198717895076
- #329703 in Levels Rating
- #220815 by Games Quantity
- #205542 by Overall Played Time
- #308094 in Most Expensive Profiles
- #329001 in Oldest Accounts List
Possible reasons why you see zero value in games:
- If the player has no purchased games but only freely downloaded ones, the account cost is zero.
- For accounts without any games at all, we also display zero value.
- For private accounts, we have no way to list and display the cost of all games here.
Possible reasons why you see a zero level cost:
- The player's account is new or recently created.
- The player has not performed any actions to level up. Such actions include Purchasing games / Earning badges / Crafting badges / Upgrading badges.
How to change Steam’s privacy settings?
By default, games are hidden in your Steam account. To change the privacy settings, do the following:
- In your Steam Profile, click the Edit Profile link under your displayed badge
- Click the My Privacy Settings tab
- Set Game details as ‘Public’
- Uncheck the ‘Always keep my total playtime private’ option
- After changing your privacy settings, it may take up to an hour for a Profilerr to clear the cache and see new data.
Why is the total playing time so long?
In some cases, you may see that the total time that a player has spent playing games on an account exceeds tens or even hundreds of years. It could mean that several people have used the same profile at the same time, and the algorithm has calculated their total time.
Why is total playing time different from the overall playing time on each platform?
Valve has been counting game time on each platform since September 2019.