How to No Scope in CS2

Many players want to repeat the historical moments of ‘s1mple’ or ‘coldzera,’ We all remember their no scope heroics during the Majors in Cologne and Columbus in 2016.
That’s because a skillful AWPer in Counter-Strike is probably the most challenging and bellowed role in the game, even when played traditionally with scoping. Experienced players know the CS2 sniper guide well and know how to realize all the capabilities of the sniper rifle. However, being active with a sniper rifle may lead to situations when the opponents are too close. In this case, a mouse right-click for scoping will result in unneeded delays and, probably, your death.
To save those extra milliseconds vital in the skirmish, many players shoot from the sniper gun without using a scope, just like an ordinary shotgun. But have you ever wondered, “Is AWP no scope accurate?” This guide will explain the basics of becoming a better shooter with sniper guns.
If you play as a sniper, there is always a risk of being ambushed by an enemy jumping out from a nearby corner. Of course, you can use your pistol to kill such an opponent, but you can lose precious seconds changing your gun. Also, you won’t have enough time to use your scope for an accurate shot.
Thus, you should learn how to play CS no scope efficiently. Although this skill requires a lot of training, the tips below will help you boost your progress and become a pro-AWPer faster.
Understand the Basics of No Scope in CS2
No scope shooting is relevant only for AWP, SSG08, and SCAR-20 / G3SG1. If you’re curious about which weapon reigns supreme, check out our guide on the best snipers in CS2 and what weapon they use.
Although all CS2 players know that crouching is a great way to increase the gun’s accuracy, you’ll unlikely use this trick when shooting without a scope. Considering that you’ll have a close gunfight with an enemy, there won’t be enough time to squat.
It’ll be a way better idea to make swift moves, dodging your opponent’s attack and trying to kill them. Although your accuracy is extremely low when you jump or run, it won’t be a problem if you come closer to your enemy. The shorter the distance is, the higher the chance you’ll eliminate your opponent without aiming.
Weapon Parameters to Know
There are dozens of parameters each weapon has in the game, but for the guide on to no scope in CS2, we need to know the following:
Weapon | Accurate Range Stand (meters) | Running Inaccuracy (game units) | Inaccuracy at Jump Apex (game units) |
AWP | 2.20 | 257.48 | 214.83 |
Scout SSG08 | 3.23 | 155.43 | 37.7 |
SCAR-20 / G3SG1 | 2.30 | 176.58 | 179.87 |
To bring more balance to the game, Valve adjusted AWP as the most powerful weapon, so it has a more significant deviation when shooting without a scope. This means that no zoom shooting by the Scout or SCAR/G3SG1 is much more accurate. Also, pay attention to the accuracy at the jump apex, which means no scope shooting from SSG08 at the jumping peak point (as the most stable shooting point) is x5 more accurate than from AWP.
How Does it Look in Practice?
Before diving into the AWP no scope accuracy, you must understand the difference between sniper rifles. To further enhance your aiming precision, check our crosshair generator in CS2.
We tested the sniper rifles while standing nearly 5 meters from the wall, putting the crosshair at the same spot, and made no scope shooting without moving the mouse. You can quickly check this by yourself, and here is what we have gotten:
- AWP No Scope Shooting Spread:

As you can see, only two bullets from five shots were close to an ideal hit, while the other three were far from that. Increasing the distance will proportionally enlarge the spread area. So, the first conclusion: AWP no scope shooting is practical only at very close distances.
- SCAR-20 / G3SG1 (Autosnipers) No Scope Shooting Spread:

The accuracy of SCAR-20 or G3SG1 allows their usage even for middle-range no scope shooting. However, those guns are too costly to play such a risky game.
- Scout SSG08 No Scope Shooting Spread:

Predictably, SSG08 is also a pretty accurate weapon, even without scoping. It makes Scout’s usage for no scoping shots at middle-range distances justified. Still, its mobility allows one to move fast and hide before re-peaking, so no scopes from SSG08 are rare.
Use Marker Pen or Tape
Do you know you could no scope in CS with a marker pen? Yeah, it may sound weird, but it works! You can draw a contrasting dot in the center of your monitor, where the crosshair of all weapons is situated. When you move with the sniper rifle and see an unexpected opponent, you won’t need time to activate a scope—the crosshair is always in front of you.
Also, if you’re afraid of damaging your display, you can use a tiny piece of tape. This option may be better because you’ll be able to remove it effortlessly. Plus, the tape will be more noticeable than a simple spot drawn by a marker.
Imagine Shooting a No Scope Like a Shotgun
We can compare no scope shooting with shotgun usage. Both sniper rifles and shotguns have a long time between the shots (except for auto-snipers). It means that they require a quick reaction and extra focus on each shot.
You should use sniper rifles without a scope only if there is no alternative. Taking a Scout or AWP and purposefully going into a close-distance position doesn’t make any sense. But being ready for an unexpected rush with a sniper weapon is a good skill. Thus, one of the most important tips in a guide on CS2 no scope is to analyze the situation carefully.
Use Maps for No Scope Training
Use Aim Botz Map for Better Aim Feeling
Load the Aim Botz map from the Workshop Maps.
Push the green cross button to add the map to your map pool.
Choose the needed setting (amount of bots, weapon, sector) and practice until you understand the trajectories of your bullets.
Except for the Aim Botz map with its specific setting and options, other maps can also stand out if you want to train the CSGO no scope. For example, you can check ShoulderPeek and Duck Hunt, which are available in Steam Workshop.
Train Against Non-Shooting Bots
You can learn no scope CS:GO by running the bellowed map in the Casual mode with bots and choosing the CT side (so Terrorists will run on your positions rather than you’ll be pushing them). Just follow these simple steps:
- Paste the following pack of commands:
sv_cheats 1; bot_kick all; mp_limitteams 0; mp_autoteambalance 0; mp_startmoney 100000; bot_knives_only 1; mp_maxrounds 100; mp_afterroundmoney 16000; mp_restartgame 1
. It will give you plenty of money to buy any weapon every round, while the bots only have knives. - Choose the preferred amount of bots, pasting the following command the respective amount of times
bot_add_t; bot_add_t; bot_add_t; bot_add_t; bot_add_t
. - Practice shooting from the popular spots and desired distances.

Practice in Deathmatch
The latest stage before diving into Competitive matches is to oppose real opponents in the Deathmatch. Any weapon available, quick and random respawn after being killed—excellent options to feel all the reality of no scope CS2.
Similar to many other gaming aspects of Counter-Strike 2, no scope is a skill that can be trained. Use our tips on how to no scope in CS2, and you’ll indeed become a pro AWPer one day.