CS2 Anubis Smokes

Smokes are unique among utilities in that they can sway the outcome of a match if utilized skillfully. Obstructing your adversaries' line of sight can serve a variety of purposes, from allowing you to reposition without being shot at to tricking enemies into making tactical mistakes.
Below, we've compiled a selection of CS2 Anubis smokes that every player should master to be comfortable with the map. But first, let’s quickly recount Anubis callouts so you can actually understand what we are talking about in this guide:

Anubis A Smokes
Here are some key smokes to control A Site on Anubis.
Plateau to Upper
A popular smoke for the deep A Site defense. Paired with the location’s terrain, it will cut off the terrorists' passage to the Boat and Main positions. This Anubis smoke can also prevent Ts from pushing the Upper or be used to support the push to the Boat from A Main.
Dropper to A Connector
This smoke for Anubis is surprisingly easy to do compared to how impactful it can be. Deployed from the Dropper towards the A Connector, the nade falls in the archway between the Middle and the A Connector, making it difficult for the CTs to move into A site. It is mainly used by Terrorists trying to seize control of A Site, as it makes it far more difficult for Counter-terrorists to rotate or launch an A Site retake.
Boat to Heaven
This smoke makes it difficult for CTs to control A site. If executed properly, it will force the Counter-terrorists to quickly change their defensive tactics, often leading to mistakes you can exploit. It might be difficult to use and require some practice, but a well-done Anubis Heaven smoke will win you games like no other.
Boat to Plateau
Jumpthrown from the Boat area towards the Plateau Entrance, this smoke obscures the vision of CTs from both the Camera and A Connector (partially). Either team can use this Anubis Camera smoke lineup to control the movement and visibility on the Plateau.
Anubis B Smokes
Whether storming B Site as Terrorists or retaking it as CTs, the task will be much easier if you employ the following smokes.
Palace to Gate
Using jumpthrow, a player in the Palace can help their teammates defend B Site or block B Main vision for T’s AWPer before a retake. The smoke will obscure the terrorists' view and make planting the bomb on B more difficult. It can be used anytime when you expect the opposing team to approach B Main.
Connector to B Site
Thrown from the Connector, the grenade bounces off the column and completely blocks the vision from the Ninja (and, if done right, from Back B as well). Throwing smoke from the Connector is a good choice for Terrorists if they are already close to B Site, and is usually preferable to throwing smoke from the T Spawn or Long.
Long to Connector
This smoke is thrown from the Long toward the B Connector to obstruct the vision of rotating players moving through the latter. It can help Terrorists secure B Site by reducing visibility and thus restricting the mobility of CTs. This smoke is also useful for infiltrating B Site or protecting a bomb planted there.
Long to Back B
B Site execution is usually a pretty tough task for Terrorists, so any tactical advantage that can make the move a bit more forgiving is always welcome. Denying vision from the CT Spawn and the Palace is the right trick for this situation, and it can be done via one simple grenade from the Long. We suggest you pay special attention to this one, as it’s one of the most useful smokes for Anubis.
Long to Ninja
This smoke can be thrown from other nearby positions as well and will stop most attacks from the Ninja and Back B. Moreover, it lands exactly on the upper part of this area, making it impossible for the Ninja player to self-boost and still see the arriving Terrorists.
Anubis Mid Smokes
A crucial area for A and B site pushes, Mid is a perfect place to support your teammates with smokes.
Middle to A Main
This is another one of the widely used Anubis smokes; just don’t forget to use a right+left click jumpthrow for it. With this smoke, you can make it harder for the Terrorists to capture A Site, or even make them change their minds about rotating to B. This smoke is convenient because the Mid-defender does not need to redeploy to use it. By quickly throwing this smoke, you can stay at your post and help the A-Site defenders.
Mid to B Main
A Middle player is usually a site anchor, so knowing how to help your allies without leaving this area is a must. This smoke can block the Gate without the need for rotation, solidifying your team’s control over the Mid.
Top Mid to CT Mid
This Anubis Mid smoke has multiple uses. Firstly, it can help your teammates take the Mid area and organize A Site execution much more safely. Secondly, it can create enough confusion in the clutch situations, as the CTs will surely expect an A Site execution while you are already close to B Site.
Bridge to A Con
A Con smoke is pretty similar to the previous one and can either block the rotation from A to Mid or create some confusion among the defenders. Just don’t forget to use the right+left click jumpthrow to get a perfect landing!
Anubis CT Side Smokes
Critical for early-round control, these smokes allow CTs to counter T-side aggression and secure advantageous positions.
CT Spawn to Top Mid
This Anubis smoke in CS2 can help CTs stop a T advance by blocking the visibility of the Bridge position. Smoke thrown from CT-Spawn will land exactly at the beginning of the Bridge, completely blocking the terrorists' line of sight while also partially covering the Window. Any smoke thrown from the Spawn position can be beneficial, as it does not require taking any additional risk. Use the Jumpthrow technique at the beginning of the round to stop a potential enemy’s rush and help your Mid teammate.
CT Spawn to Stairs
This is one of the best Anubis Stairs smoke variations for the beginning of the round. It can change the Terrorists' offensive tactics and give CTs time to get into better positions. When the smoke falls on the Stairs, getting to the Boat and then A Main becomes difficult, forcing Terrorists to either go through the Upper or rotate to B site.
CT Spawn to Gate
This smoke can help to implement eco tactics and stack on Mid or A Site without the need to go to B Site, which is quite nice. A smoke thrown from CT Spawn will land in the center of the Gate, which can confuse enemies about your team’s presence on B Site.
CT Spawn to Main
You can also use a similar trick for the opposite bombsite. Of course, it can also help the A Site defenders if they need a bit more time. The nade falls near the arch and completely blocks the view of any Terrorists coming from the Boat. Once again, any lineup you can perform right at the spawn is extremely useful, as you can do so at the very start of the round and without exposing your position.
Anubis T Side Smokes
These smokes are perfect for early-round strategies, giving Terrorists the cover needed to challenge CT positions and advance through key chokepoints.
T Spawn to Window
It's one of the most used Anubis smokes in CS2 for Terrorists in the early game. Launched from T-Spawn towards the Window, it disrupts the line of sight for Counter-terrorists watching the Top Mid and the Bridge. This allows Terrorists to safely advance through Mid and drop to the Con faster and safer.
T Spawn to Connector
Among all grenade variations, Anubis Connector smoke is probably the most crucial for Ts. The smoke from the T Spawn towards the B Con is an essential tactic for the start of the round on this map. Its purpose is to block the CTs' vision from the Con towards the Water and make it difficult for them to control this vital area.
T Spawn to A Entry
If you play against aggressive CTs, who like A Site pushes, this grenade is exactly what you need. It should be thrown at the earliest possible timings, while your teammates can enter the A Main with a simple flashbang. Of course, you can also use it to create confusion in clutches.
Other Useful CS Anubis Smokes
These versatile smokes don’t fit neatly into specific categories we’ve described above but can still be incredibly effective in the right circumstances.
Ruins to A Con
The B Connector is a priority target for smokes in most cases, but the Anubis Con smoke for A site from a deep position can also be pretty useful. For example, this smoke can be used during the first 10 seconds of the game to fake a capture of A Site. It can also be thrown a little later when the Ts decide to execute B site to help your teammates capture A Site from Mid. The smoke lands at the beginning of the A Con, completely obscuring the CTs’ view. Remember to use the Jumpthrow for this one.
Alley to Palace
Blocking Palace is one key requirement for successfully executing B Site. This simple lineup can either assist your teammates near the B Main or create enough confusion before your team starts pushing A Site to catch rotating opponents off-guard.