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  • CS2 Essential Anubis Smokes for Counter-Terrorists and Terrorists

Because of the game’s shift to Source 2 engine, smoke mechanics in CS2 underwent significant changes. Smokes have been transformed into volumetric shapes that occupy a precisely defined space within the game world. Unlike in CS:GO, where smoke appeared as a static bubble with rough edges that could bleed through walls, in CS2, it expands realistically throughout the environment.

The introduction of the volumetric mechanic in CS2 has necessitated Counter-Strike players to relearn smoke lineups on Anubis in CS2, and it has is apparent that nades no longer hold the same effectiveness as in CS:GO. For example, one-way smokes become significantly more challenging to employ

Smokes have also undergone another update that introduces ways to temporarily clear them. That is, throwing an HE grenade into a smoke clears a substantial portion of it, granting a brief period of improved visibility before it comes back. Also, you can shoot through smoke to create smaller openings, allowing for brief moments of improved visibility. This change has sparked controversy, as it undeniably reshapes the dynamics of using nades.

Yet, even with all these changes, smoke grenades still play a vital role in the game and have the potential to sway the outcome of a match when utilized skillfully. They obstruct your adversaries' line of sight, allowing you to move without being easily targeted and picked off. They can also be used to trick your opponents if you, say, throw a Smoke to A Connector and then rush B.

Below, we've compiled a selection of the best CS Anubis smokes for 2023 that every player should master to be comfortable with the map. Incorporate them into your gameplay to perform as a true professional. Use this map as a reference for all the callouts used in our guide:

Most Useful Smoke Spots for Counter-Terrorists on Anubis

Being one of the maps where it is more difficult for the defending team to win the round, Anubis  makes it even more crucial to utilize all the tools you have to gain an advantage. Therefore, learning all the smoke spots becomes an essential aspect for the CT side if you want to outperform your opponents. 

CT Spawn to Top Mid

CS2: Anubis Bridge Smoke from CT Spawn

This CS2 essential Anubis smoke will help CTs stop the aggressive advance of the Ts and block the visibility of the Bridge position. Smoke thrown from CT-Spawn will land exactly at the beginning of the Bridge, completely blocking the terrorists' view while also partially covering the window. Basically, any smoke thrown from the Spawn position can be beneficial, as it does not require taking any additional risk. Use the Jumpthrow technique at the beginning  of the round to effectively stop the enemy’s rush. 

CT Spawn to Stairs

This is one of the best CS2 Anubis smoke spots used in the first minute of the game. It can change the terrorists' offensive tactics and give CTs time to get into a better position. When the smoke falls on the Stairs, getting to the Boat and then the Main position becomes difficult, forcing terrorists to either go through Upper or rotate to the B site. You must use the Jumpthrow technique for this smoke. 

Plateau to Upper

You'll need that smoke for the A Site defense. Together with the location’s terrain, it will cut off the terrorists' passage to the Boat and Main positions. These smoke spots for Anubis in CS2 will force the Ts to move through Top Mid early and may change their plans about rushing the A Site. 

CT Spawn to Gate

CS2 Anubis smoke gate from CT spawn

r Anubis in CS2 if the terrorists try to get to the B Site, as it helps to defend this position more effectively. It is of the "starter" type, which is used in the first minute of the game. The smoke thrown from CT Spawn will land in the center of the Gate, completely blocking the terrorists' view, which can stop the enemy's early advance in its tracks. For this one, you must use a Jumpthrow.

Middle to Main

Another one of the most useful CS2 smokes on Anubis. By using this smoke, you will make it harder for the terrorists to capture the A, or you can make them change their minds about rotating to the B. This smoke is convenient because if used, the Mid-defender does not need to redeploy. By quickly throwing it, you can stay in the same position and help the defenders of the A site. This smoke is often used after receiving information from allies about enemy advance. 

Palace to Gate

Using Jumpthrow, a player in Palace can help their teammates defend B Site. The smoke will block the terrorists' view and make planting the bomb on B more difficult. It can be used in the first few minutes of the game or depending on the situation and information from allies.

CT Spawn to Main

CS2: Anubis A-Main Smoke Smoke from CT

You should learn how to Jumpthrow this smoke in case you need to quickly help the A Site defenders. The nade falls near the arch and completely blocks the view of the terrorists coming from the Boat. Once again, the CT Spawn, as the throwing spot, is universal and optimal, as it is available at the beginning of the game.

Ninja to Gate

One of the  CS2 Anubis smoke spots useful for B Site defense. This smoke is of the "one-way" type. Falling on a small brick near the Gate position, it completely hides the player on the Ninja, but about half of the torso of the attacking terrorists will remain visible. Picking your opponents without them being able to see you is what makes this smoke so great.  

Most Useful Smoke Spots for Terrorists on Anubis

The map layout is favorable for the terrorists, confirmed by the 55% Ts win rate. Still, playing against a competent CT team, you will need to use advanced strategies, and knowing these smoke spots will surely help.

Long to Connector 

This smoke is thrown from the Long toward the B Connector to obstruct the vision of rotating players moving through the Connector. It aids terrorists in securing the B site by reducing visibility and thus restricting the mobility of counter-terrorists. This smoke is helpful when infiltrating the B Site or protecting a bomb planted there. 

T Spawn to Window

Counter strike 2 Anubis Mid Smoke

It's one of the most useful CS2 Anubis smoke lineups for terrorists in the early game. Launched from T-Spawn towards the Window, it disrupts the line of sight for counter-terrorists positioned at the Window and watching the Top Mid and Bridge. This enables terrorists to safely advance through the Mid.

Dropper to A Connector

Smoke camera from apps de_anubis(cs2)

This smoke is among the most useful lineups for Anubis in CS2 because of its impact potential. Deployed from the Dropper towards the A Connector, the smoke falls in the archway between the Middle and A Connector positions, making it difficult for the CTs to move into the A site. It is valuable for terrorists when they aim to seize control of the A Site, making it more difficult for counter-terrorists to rotate or launch the A Site retake.

Boat to Plateau 

CS2 | Anubis | Smoke from Boat to Plateau

Jumpthrown from the Boat area towards the Plateau Entrance, this smoke obscures the vision of CTs entering the Plateau. Either team can use this lineup to control the movement and visibility within the Plateau, depending on the circumstances.

T Spawn to Connector

CS2: Anubis B Connector Smoke from T Spawn

Among all Counter-Strike Anubis smokes, this spot is probably the most crucial for Ts. The smoke from the T Spawn towards the B-Con is an essential tactic for the start of the round on Anubis. Its purpose is to impede the CTs' progress towards the B Site. If done right, the smoke will make it difficult for the counter-terrorists to see from the Water, helping your team to remain undetected.

Connector to B Site

Anubis Backsite B smoke from Connector

Thrown from the Connector, the grenade bounces off the column and lands completely blocking vision of the Ninja and partially blocking players’ view in the Back B. Throwing smoke from the Connector is advantageous for terrorists if they are already close to the B Site, and the duration will be longer than throwing smoke from the T Spawn.

Boat to Heaven

CS2: Anubis Heaven Smoke From Water

This smoke makes it difficult for CTs to see the A site. By using it, you will force the counter-terrorists to quickly change their defensive tactics, possibly leading to mistakes that you can exploit. It might be difficult to implement and require some practice, but knowing this CS2 Anubis smoke will take your game to a new level. 

Ruins to A Con 

Smoke camera from b long  de_anubis (cs2)

Knowledge of all the previous CS smoke spots on Anubis is important, but this one is simply irreplaceable. Its use depend on the strategy chosen by the terrorist team. For example, this smoke can be used during the first 10 seconds of the game to make a fake capture of A Site. It can also be thrown a little later, when the Ts are returning from Heaven or Top Mid, to help teammates to successfully capture the A Site. The smoke hits at the beginning of the A Con, completely obscuring the CTs’ view. Remember to use the Jumpthrow for this one.


The introduction of volumetric smoke in CS2 has significantly changed the game, requiring players to adapt and relearn smoke strategies. Still, mastering grenades is crucial for success in CS2, as they can be game-changers when employed effectively. The Anubis smokes in CS2 that we’ve discussed are valuable tools to elevate gameplay and compete professionally in the ever-evolving Counter-Strike landscape.

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