Best CS2 Red Stickers

Red. The most powerful of colors, associated with fire, blood, love, and passion. As such, red is certainly a great choice for enhancing the look of your favorite gun, and pairing it with some aggressive designs makes for some cool red stickers in CS2.

For this article, we have selected 15 red stickers that you will love to learn about and maybe even add to your collection. We made sure to make this list of CS2 red stickers as representative as possible by taking into account their popularity, relevance, and quality. We have also tried our best to create a healthy price range so that it includes stickers that are affordable, expensive, and everything in between.

Please note that prices are current at the time of writing this article and may change over time!

Howling Dawn

Howling Dawn
Howling Dawn skin

The howling wolf-skull enveloped by fire (that might be the single most metal phrase we’ve written, ever) will surely add brutality to any weapon you have, but a blend of orange and red looks especially stunning on the likes of AWP Boom or AK-47 Redline. The sticker’s design comes from the famous Howl skin, featuring the same imposing hellhound. This item isn't a part of any collection, and the only way you can get it is by buying it from someone, which makes it quite expensive (just like the Howl skin itself). It’s definitely one of the best red CS2 stickers, but the price might be prohibitive for most players.

Update: "The Hunt Begins"

Film: Paper

Current price: $1,171.72

MOUZ | Paris 2023

MOUZ | Paris 2023
MOUZ | Paris 2023 skin

This cool sticker is simple and aesthetically pleasing, with a sleek, wide body devoid of any additional elements. It has a cool heart-like shape, though. Furthermore, since Mouz didn't qualify for Antwerp and players can't get new stickers, their prices are expected to rise until the next major event.

Update: "Paris 2023 Stickers"

Film: Paper

Current price: $0.01

Battle Scarred

Battle Scarred
Battle Scarred skin

Any list of good red stickers in CS2 simply couldn’t miss this one. Introduced in December 2020, Battle Scarred features a striking red claw mark, likely made by some formidable predator. Fans of Valve games might associate the design with Ursa, a bear-like hero from Dota 2. This sticker is visually captivating and available at an affordable price, making it a favorite among CS2 enthusiasts.

Update: "Operation Broken Fang"

Film: Paper

Current price: $3.07

Showdown (Foil)

Showdown (Foil)
Showdown (Foil) skin

Showdown is another sticker taking inspiration from the game’s most famous designs. It showcases an epic battle between the Dragon from Dragon Lore and the Hellhound from Howl. The confrontation is visually stunning, making this sticker a fitting embellishment for nearly any skin.

Update: "10 Year Birthday Stickers"

Film: Foil

Current price: $3.45

iBUYPOWER (Holo) | Katowice 2014

iBUYPOWER (Holo) | Katowice 2014
iBUYPOWER (Holo) | Katowice 2014 skin

Introduced on March 6th, 2014, this sticker is part of the EMS Katowice 2014 Challengers with a "Remarkable" rarity and a 15.98% drop rate—seems like nothing special at the first glance, right? But if you consider that you could've got these stickers only in 2014 by opening cases, you can guess how rare they have become 9 years later. As befitting one of the best red holo stickers in CS2 history, its price will likely only rise further.

Update: "Legends and Challengers"

Film: Holo

Current price: $70,475

3DMAX (Foil) | Katowice 2015

3DMAX (Foil) | Katowice 2015
3DMAX (Foil) | Katowice 2015 skin

Introduced on February 26th, 2015, this beauty belongs to the 3DMAX team, commemorating their participation in the 2015 ESL One Katowice CS:GO Championship. It has an "Exotic" rarity with a "Foil" finish, giving it a 3.2% drop chance, and its metallic sheen and event association make it highly coveted among the player base.

Update: "Katowice 2015 Pick’Em Challenge"

Film: Foil

Current price: $214

TYLOO (Foil) | 2020 RMR

TYLOO (Foil) | 2020 RMR
TYLOO (Foil) | 2020 RMR skin

TYLOO 2020 RMR was added to the game on January 27th, 2021, as part of the "2020 RMR Stickers" update. The sticker, dedicated to the Chinese esports team of the same name, depicts a red dragon preparing to spew flames. Doing this list has made us realize just how many fire-breathing monsters have come to inhabit the game over the years. This sticker will fit almost any weapon except for brightly colored skins where it may get lost.

Update: "2020 RMR Stickers"

Film: Foil

Current price: $1.45

Heroic (Holo) | Rio 2022

Heroic (Holo) | Rio 2022
Heroic (Holo) | Rio 2022 skin

One more sticker dedicated to a popular Heroic team, Heroic was introduced in CS2 on October 21st, 2022, as part of the "Rio 2022 Stickers" update. The white and red Heroic emblem, paired with a deep red backdrop, might be the ideal choice for an affordable black, blue, or golden weapon skins.

Update: "Rio 2022 Stickers"

Film: Paper

Current price: $0.70

compLexity Gaming | Katowice 2019

compLexity Gaming | Katowice 2019
compLexity Gaming | Katowice 2019 skin

Representing the Complexity Gaming team’s performance on the 2019 IEM Katowice CS:GO Championship, this sticker has an "Exotic" rarity with a 3.2% drop chance. It also features a metallic "Foil" design, enhancing its desirability and value. With this sticker on your weapon, you can show your support to your favorite team and add uniqueness and style to your weapon, all for a modest price.

Update: "The IEM Katowice 2019 Major Begins"

Film: Paper

Current price: $3.88

LGB eSports (Foil) | Katowice 2015

LGB eSports (Foil) | Katowice 2015
LGB eSports (Foil) | Katowice 2015 skin

Once again, our list of the best red stickers in CS2 returns to covering near-unobtainable items. This one was released in CS2 on February 26th, 2015, as part of the "Katowice 2015 Pick'Em Challenge" update. Even after 8 years, the style still looks cool and modern and is a perfect addition to almost any collection if you can spare the money.

Update: "Katowice 2015 Pick’Em Challenge"

Film: Foil

Current price: $441

Seeing red (Foil)

Seeing red (Foil)
Seeing red (Foil) skin

Sticker Seeing Red is one of the best-looking red stickers in Counter-Strike 2, especially considering its price. Released during the "Operation Riptide" update on September 21st, 2021, it is an "Exotic" rarity item with a 3.2% drop chance. This sticker showcases the menacing, almost serpent-like look of a CS2 character marked by a scar over his left eye and can be found in both high-grade and exotic quality.

Update: "Operation Riptide"

Film: Foil

Current price: $3.72

Romanov's Fire (Foil)

Romanov's Fire (Foil)
Romanov's Fire (Foil) skin

Released on August 16th, 2022, Romanov's Fire is part of the "10-Year Birthday Stickers" update, and takes a well-deserved place on our list of the best red stickers in CS2.

Initially, agent skins didn't get a warm reception from the CS community. However, they've since become essential to the game and have inspired countless memes and stickers. Take "Romanov's Fire" as an example. The stylish assault agent depicted here looks like a cool firebender, even though he’s likely taking damage from his own molotovs.

Update: "10 Year Birthday Stickers"

Film: Foil

Current price: $0.63

Fnatic (Holo) | Rio 2022

Fnatic (Holo) | Rio 2022
Fnatic (Holo) | Rio 2022 skin

Released for the 2022 IEM Rio CS:GO Championship, it commemorates the Fnatic team and features a holographic effect. Add this sticker to your gun, and show your devotion to the team each time you kill an opponent.

Update: "Rio 2022 Stickers"

Film: Holo

Current price: $0.75

Bite Me (Foil)

Bite Me (Foil)
Bite Me (Foil) skin

The "Bite Me" sticker is a humorous addition to the CS2 sticker collection. It was introduced in March 2019 and showcases a large, ferocious red bear with an intimidating stare and sharp teeth. The playful double entendre of its expression makes it especially popular among players. Throw into the mix the foil effect, and you get something dangerously cool.

Update: "EZ4VERTIGO"

Film: Foil

Current price: $1.19

Good Game

Good Game
Good Game skin

"GG" (short for “Good Game”) is typically exchanged between players at the conclusion of a match in CS2 (along with many other games). This abbreviation was popular in the game's community since times immemorial, which certainly helped the popularity of the sticker.

Its ornate design combines a star-like shape, a classy font, topped up with a darker shade of red that we don’t usually see. Certainly, one of the best CS red stickers out there.

Update: "The Hidden Capsule"

Film: Paper

Current price: $5.37

We also have other picks among the coolest stickers in cs2 on our site, such as:

  1. The best green stickers in cs2 which you will definitely not miss.
  2. The best blue stickers in cs2 that will perfectly complement your skins.
  3. The best cs2 pink stickers for fans of this colour.
  4. The best gold stickers in cs2 for those who like an expensive look.
  5. The best black and white stickers for fans of the classics.
  6. And purple stickers in cs2 that will look gorgeous on your weapon.


The Showdown is often considered the best-looking red sticker in CS2, as it references AWP Dragon Lore and M4A4 Howl—two highly sought-after skins. However, it’s up to each player to decide which red design looks most appealing to them.

iBUYPOWER (Katowice, 2014) sticker is the priciest option currently available. At the time, players couldn't exchange stickers and just applied them to their weapons, which decreased the number of available copies to ≈10 and, therefore, increased the price to an astronomical $70,500.

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