How to Get Prime Status in CS:GO?
What does a CS:GO Prime account have in stock for you? Does this Valve update help get rid of cheaters?
The topic of this article is why you need a prime account for, how to get it; also we will answer some frequently asked questions.

What is a Prime Account?
Prime accounts were introduced by Valve as an experiment aimed at figuring out whether gamers will compete better against similar gamers who have prime accounts though. The prime account system has been active since April 2016.
Actually, the system has become a permanently used gamer tool.
Why do You Need a Prime Account
A Prime account is needed for separating gamers into two categories:
- Gamers that use a Prime account - are more trustworthy;
- Gamers that don’t use a Prime account - mostly cheaters and smurfs.
Your Steam ID is an important identifier for your gaming account, especially when playing multiplayer games like CS:GO.
How to Obtain a Prime Account
To be granted a CS:GO Prime account you need to confirm your phone number in Steam and Private rank not less than of 21 level (Lieutenant).
Alternately, you can get a Prime account if you have a Service medal. You need to click on the Details button on top of your CS:GO profile menu, near the Prime Account Matchmaking string. After that, click Upgrade.

How Prime Accounts Protect You From Cheaters
If you already reached the level 21 of the Personal rank and have your phone number confirmed in Steam, you can upgrade your account to the Prime. Otherwise, you will be matched against the users who also do not have upgraded accounts.
In case a cheater is imposed a VAC ban and uses a Prime account, the cheater number will be blocked for a certain period (1-month minimum). Each subsequent blocking of the cheater by his/her number will automatically increase the blocking period. In the same manner, for several accounts linked to one phone number, including those upgraded to the Prime level, getting one of the accounts VAC banned imposes the ban on the Prime accounts.
Understanding how to rank up in CS:GO is key to progressing in this competitive and challenging game.
No, you don’t, but using this authenticator is recommended for making an access to your account and the trading platform more secure.
No, you don’t, but using this authenticator is recommended for making an access to your account and the trading platform more secure.
You can reassign the Prime status to another account linked to the same phone number within three days. You will be able to do another status reassignment after 6 months.
You will not be able to match against gamers using Prime account privileges, however, you will be able to compete with both ordinary account gamers and Prime account gamers who unlocked playing not only against gamers with Prime accounts.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t. Cheaters buy Prime accounts and use them for their unfair play.
Log into Steam and click on your account name in the top right corner.
1. Select “Account Details” from the drop-down menu. 2. Under “Contact Info”, select “Manage your phone number”. 3. Enter your phone number and select 'Next'. Steam will send an SMS message containing your confirmation code - Enter this code to verify.