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  • 10 Best Sticker Capsules to Open in Counter-Strike 2
Best Sticker Capsules to Open

Today, stickers in CS2 are much more than just a way to make boring default skins more appealing. They offer hundreds of decals that let you showcase your game preferences, express values on weapons, joke around, or even make real money. Interested? Let’s dive into the best CS sticker capsules to buy for the most expensive, beautiful, or meaningful stickers.

Please note that all prices are current at the time of writing the article and may change over time!

EMS Katowice 2014 Legends

EMS Katowice 2014 Legends

We open our list of the best CS2 sticker capsules with EMS Katowice 2014 Legends capsule. This capsule is undoubtedly the most famous and desired one out there. In fact, it's so popular that even people outside of the CS community desire it. Since its release in March 2014, the EMS Katowice 2014 capsule has been increasing in value, until it became the most expensive sticker capsules in CS2. Today, it's not your regular capsule with CS decals but rather a popular investment asset due to the extreme rarity of some items in the container. Among this collection you can find the most expensive and best gold stickers in CS2. Currently, Titan (Holo), LDLC (Holo), and Dignitas (Holo) stickers are worth around 75, 20, and 27 thousand dollars respectively.

Price: $24,986.62

Community Sticker Capsule 1

Community Sticker Capsule 1

Next up is the Community Sticker Capsule 1, released in May 2014. It's one of the top sticker capsules in CS2 not initially linked to a competitive event. It contains decals made by the community artists. The capsule was greatly appreciated in the CS community for giving players a chance to express themselves in new ways. Salty and risky players, for example, could get a "Shave Master" to showcase their willingness to catch enemies off-guard at close range, while the aim experts could place a "Headhunter (Foil)" on their AK to warn everyone that the hunt has begun.

Price: $2.04

Sticker Capsule 2

Sticker Capsule 2

Released on February 27th, 2014, with "The Hidden Capsule" update, Sticker Capsule 2 quickly gained popularity. The capsule's uniqueness lies in the creators' attempt to cater to long-time CS lovers rather than focusing on attracting new players. Most of the capsule's stickers emphasize the game's vibe, including player characters’ voice lines, the bomb code, and abbreviations from Counter-Strike's unique vocabulary. All these make it one of the best sticker capsules to open in Counter-Strike 2, especially for those who have played CS since 1.6 times. With the community's tendency to choose and hail one king every CS era, it's no wonder that the standout decal in the capsule is Crown (Foil). Place one of these on your favorite gun, and everyone will try to challenge you for the “King of the server” title.

Price: $11.55

Ambush Sticker Capsule

Ambush Sticker Capsule

Next up on our top of the best sticker capsules to open comes the Ambush Sticker Capsule — the freshest sticker capsule not linked to a tournament. Today, it is among the most popular on the market. One might think, "Of course, it's popular because it's new, and there's hype," etc. However, if we look at the decals closely, we can say that the Ambush Sticker Capsule would still be one of the best even if it came out 10 years ago. Just look at these stickers (even the cheaper ones) — for instance, a desperate burning chicken guy who says "This is Fine", or a raging terrorist, feelings that most of the players understand perfectly (especially those who play FACEIT).

However, the expensive items in the capsule are worth attention, too. For example, the "Dystopian Eye (Lenticular)" caters to CS most popular trends of robotic aim and anime associations, and the "Old School (Lenticular)" pays homage to CS 1.6, a place where current trends were born. Therefore, Ambush Sticker Capsule offers a perfect blend exciting for both the OGs and the new fanbase, and it is currently the best sticker capsule to open for profit. The capsule also contains the popular bird CS2 stickers, which are very popular with players and are among the coolest in the game.

Price: $0.73

CS20 Sticker Capsule

CS20 Sticker Capsule

The CS20 sticker capsule celebrates the game's 20th anniversary, featuring stickers closely related to Counter-Strike’s history. Vibrant items like the "CS20 Classic (Holo)" with CS 1.6 main menu picture and "Surf Up" show how CS has evolved beyond just  "shoot heads, defuse bomb." The "Dragon Lore" reminds us of the game’s role as a global gambling and trading platform that can make people rich overnight. It is definitely one of the best sticker capsules to buy for those who enjoy finding Easter eggs and appreciate creativity.

Price: $0.63

Copenhagen 2024 Contenders Sticker Capsule

Copenhagen 2024 Contenders Sticker Capsule

Now, let's talk about the latest Major stickers — the ones that are currently booming online and are in the best sticker capsule to open in CS2 lists. For this article, we've decided to take the Copenhagen 2024 Contenders Sticker Capsule, as it's the most popular now. The capsule is popular due to its inclusion of team decals that might never have new ones again, like Golden and Holo AMKAL, Legacy, ECSTATIC, kOi, and Lynn Vision. The stickers in the capsule are pretty clean and visually appealing. Valve has designed them according to current minimalist trends; no surprises here.

Price: $0.17

Pinups Capsule

Pinups Capsule

Inspired by the 1940s trend, this unique sticker capsule is one of the most profitable sticker capsules to go for. Regardless of luck, you’ll get a decal featuring a beautiful lady for your collection. The Pinups Capsule perfectly transfers the 1940s vibe into CS, topped with slight stylistic additions to complete the best sticker capsule to open.

Price: $0.72

Half-Life: Alyx Sticker Capsule

Half-Life: Alyx Sticker Capsule

No list of the best sticker capsules to open in CS2 would be complete without the Half-Life: Alyx Sticker Capsule. The entire capsule is a tribute to Half-Life — a forefather of all Counter-Strike games. Even if you're not a Half-Life fan, in this capsule, you’ll find l nostalgic decals like multiple Lambda symbols, a regular and a Holo, will bring back memories of the CS 1.6 days when we all spam-sprayed this symbol every 30 seconds.

Price: $0.75

Berlin 2019 Minor Challengers (Holo-Foil)

Berlin 2019 Minor Challengers (Holo-Foil)

While there are no expensive stickers in the Berlin 2019 Minor Challengers (Holo-Foil), it's the Counter-Strike fans' best sticker capsule to buy. Its high contrast, sharp, bold, catchy design with red, green, and black colors prevailing on all decals or just due to the respect to the teams included, this capsule has become timeless. Released in August 2019, Berlin 2019 Minor Challengers (Holo-Foil) is considered one of the best sticker capsules to buy.

Price: $1.33

ESL One Cologne 2014 Legends Stickers

ESL One Cologne 2014 Legends Stickers

We wrap up our list with the ESL One Cologne 2014 Legends Stickers, the best CS sticker capsules to buy with a classic variant.  Introduced with "The Cologne 2014 Pick'Em Challenge,"they quickly became top-tier CS stickers. We think the immediate success was caused mostly by the stickers' design — for this capsule, Valve decided to make all stickers round, something they do quite rarely nowadays. It seems like a minor adjustment, yet with that unique touch, the success was huge. On top of that, some of the stickers in the capsule looked truly outstanding, and they are still getting more popular today. For instance, the red-eyed Dignitas (Holo) is arguably the most beautiful CS decal ever and has the potential to become one of the most expensive ones.

Price: $70.00

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