Check Fade Percentage in CS2

As anyone who’s ever seen a Fade skin can attest, these are among the most fascinating and visually appealing weapons to ever exist. They have a beautiful and clean purple-pink-yellow-gray gradient that looks stunning and expensive. Seeing one in your games feels like seeing a Lambo casually standing in a traffic jam. However, don’t get us wrong — not all Fade skins are just as dope. For instance, the fade percentage can easily make or break a skin’s appeal. So, without further ado, let’s discuss how to check the CS2 skin Fade percentage.

Why Does Fade Percentage Matter?

Depending on the distribution of colors on the skin’s surface, some Fades are more sought-after and expensive than their relatives. The basic rule here is that the less gray the skin has, the higher its price goes. The worst Fade possible is 80%, meaning that 20% of the weapon's surface is gray.

What’s interesting about this metric is that some skins actually come with more than a 100% Fade. These are exceptions, but we still have to mention them so you know how to tell the CS2 Fade percentage if you are collecting them. Karambits, Falchion, and Talon knives can all go up to 110% Fades if the pattern is also present on these knives’ handles. They are considered the most rare and valuable Fade skins out there.

Fade skins are quite expensive to begin with, but the 100%+ ones are extraordinarily pricey. CS players will spend tens of thousands of dollars to have one of these beauties in their inventory. Still, even 80% Fades look authentic and stunning. It's just human nature that makes us want to go for the rarest ones. Anyway, we are here to find out how to check Fade percentages in CS2, not to discuss the philosophical implications of the CS economy.

Methods to Find Out the CS2 Skin Fade Percentage

Now, let’s see how to check the Fade percentage in CS2 using different methods. Sadly, there are not so many ways to do so.

Steam Inventory

We will start with Steam to point the obvious out right away — you can’t check the exact Fade percentage in CS2 of the weapon here. The only option available here is to actually inspect the skin in-game and roughly check it by eye. But what if you are not into skins and don’t know what a certain percentage should look like? And even if you do, you need to have an eagle eye to see the difference between similar percentages. Therefore, third-party tools are a must here.

External Tools or Websites

As you could have guessed, if it was just Steam, there wouldn’t even be talks about percentages, special rarity, or whatever. Today, people use external resources for everything skin-related, and if you ask anyone “How to check the CS2 AWP Fade percentage?”, they will most likely suggest one of the popular CS marketplaces. However, while you can check patterns and float on the sites like csmoney or csgoskins, none of them will show you the exact Fade percentage. So, let’s focus on the only trusted option we have.

Best Website for Checking Fade Percentage is a simple webpage designed solely for providing an easy-to-find and use Fade checker tool for any player or collector out there. No sign-ups or logins are required. You just open the page, select a skin from the drop-out menu, and use a slider to adjust the percentage to find out what it should look like. Below, you will see all available seeds and their corresponding ranks for the percentage you’ve chosen. Simple and beautiful!

Check Fade Percentage on

For example, you can check out a transition between an 80% and a 100% Fade AWP. No wonder people go so crazy about full Fades. These might as well be two different skins, with a 100% one looking miraculously good in the CS2 ever-glittering lights, while an 80% skin looks and feels much gloomy.

AWP Fade 80%
AWP Fade 100%

Let’s also check out a Fade that goes above 100% using a Falchion knife. Do you see how the handle is just gray-bronze on the first screenshot (80% Fade), and how it gets slightly orange on the second one?

Falchion knife Fade 80%
Falchion knife Fade 100%

Although the website marks it as a 100% Fade, we know that with that slight coloring on the handle, it is actually 110%. That means a world of difference, and not only in visual appeal! The price of a 110% Fade can easily be many times higher than a similar 100% one.

Forums and Blog Articles

The last way to check fade percentage that we’re going to discuss here is to simply visit CS2 forums and blogs. The skin hype is ever-relevant, and chances are regular players, collectors, or even large websites will list tables that indicate patterns and their corresponding fade percentages. Here are a couple of good examples:

  1. Talon Knife Fade Patterns;
  2. Butterfly Fade Patterns;
  3. Classic Knife Fade Patterns.


Fade percentages are the determining factor in pricing for this family of skins. Even a 1% difference can make a knife cost a few thousand dollars more. Therefore, understanding how to see a Fade percentage in CS2 is of paramount importance if you want to buy or sell one. Luckily, we have a proven website — csgofades — specifically designed for this purpose. Just be sure to check the skin there before you buy it to avoid scams.

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