Master Guardian 2 in CS2

Just like the Master Guardian I, MG2 rank is one of the middle-level achievements that show your steady progress in understanding the game. Unlike higher skill groups, there are quite a few ways to reach the rank. For example, a player can reach Master Guardian II with their sharp aim, while another can be proficient in positioning and have the good game sense to outsmart their opponents. But of course, let's not forget about players with the AK-47 who were just lucky to have good teammates. With this little dip into the controversy surrounding the rank, let’s review MG2 in more detail.

Master Guardian 2 Rank Characteristics

As we’ve already mentioned, there are quite a few skills that can propel you to the second Master Guardian rank. Here’s a rough list of what you can expect:

  1. Confident (but not perfect) shooting from top guns;
  2. In-depth map and callout knowledge;
  3. Good use of popular firing angles and map timings;
  4. Advanced grenade usage;
  5. Knowledge of key smokes, Molotovs, and flashbangs;
  6. Familiarity with more advanced movement mechanics (stable jumping, counter-strafing, shoulder-picking);
  7. Ability to analyze stronger opponents during the match and counter their moves later in the match;

The Master Guardian 1 rank players have 2–3 skills from the list above, while the 2nd Master Guardians usually have 3–4, which makes them an actual threat on the battlefield.

Is Master Guardian 2 Good?

Master Guardian II can feel unbeatable for Silvers, but Eagles or Supremes  will usually stomp them without much hassle. It’s usually enough to play with friends and use the benefits of teamplay to reach this rank (Silvers simply don’t know how to play in the team), but it’s pretty far from the semi-professional level. If you’re currently in this skill group, mind that further progress requires lots of determination to develop and improve your play. Therefore, it's up to you whether it will be your maximum or only an intermediate stage (no shame in either of the two).



Players %

Master Guardian 2

Master Guardian 2


Talking statistics, only about 26% of players in CS:GO reached Second Master Guardians or higher, which now roughly corresponds to 25.8% of players who reached 13-15k points in the Premier mode. That is, having an MG2 CS2 rank puts you above 3/4 of all Counter-Strike 2 players, which is quite an achievement.

How to Get Master Guardian 2?

If you want to reach MG2 CS2, try focusing on the in-game aspects you enjoy the most. It can be improving aim with your favorite guns, advanced nade lineups, or beating your opponents with a better understanding of Micro and Macro gameplay.

You should try and develop a few of the skills we’ve mentioned in the list above. Some of them can be improved by just playing the game (like aim or recoil control), while others require some preparation and analysis.

How to Get Master Guardian 2?

Next Rank is Master Guardian Elite: Tips to Achieve

Although there are lots of ways you can improve to reach Master Guardian Elite, we recommend focusing on the following aspects:

  • Stabilize Your Aim. Confident shooting is great, but Counter-Strike is designed with firing duels in mind, so there will always come a point when you’ll have to outskill your opponent. On the lower ranks you can theoretically compensate for having subpar shooting skills with a good knowledge of other gameplay elements, but starting from the MGE, you have to take your aim seriously.
  • Discover the Benefits of Aim Maps. Of course, you can dive into the Deathmatch instead of joining a matchmaking lobby, but practicing in aim maps instead of the chaotic skirmish is a far more reliable way to improve. This way, you can get a better feel of your weapons, while Deathmatch is useful for practicing movement and tactical sense.
  • Widen Your Grenades Pool. Throwing default smokes and flashbangs won’t help you beat MGE opponents, so it’s time for you to move beyond the few basic tricks. A self-pop-up flashbang, fake smoke, or precise incendiary can easily make or break a round.
  • Watch Professional Games. If you have a favorite pro team and like watching them play, try to analyze the tactics they use and try to repeat them. Even tier-2 or tier-3 teams usually have a broad repertoire of tactics and tricks that can catapult your own squad to higher CS2 ranks.


Getting a Master Guardian 2 can be a target in and of itself, but you can also turn it into an intermediate level on your way to professional Esports. Pay attention, as at this level you’ll likely encounter the first aspects of pro gaming you’ll have to master to progress further. Good luck!

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