Master Guardian 1

Finding a significant difference among the neighboring ranks in CS2 is a tough task. Still, those who have passed the CS2 Gold Nova Master level and achieved their first AK-47 on the epaulet, want to know more about it. In particular, players with the CS2 Master Guardian 1 rank might want to get a few tips for further improvements, and we will highlight the key aspects in this guide.

Master Guardian 1 Rank Characteristics

Gathering all four stars on the Gold Nova level is actually a good achievement, especially for newcomers. However, the Master Guardian I rank is the first sign of stepping up into the semi-professional direction and surpassing game basics.

Thus, every MG1 knows the power of utility, has a good reaction, and pretty confident aim with diverse weapons, and understands the basics of teamplay. Moreover, one of these aspects starts showing signs of an elite level; it could be sharp shooting from one or a few guns or advanced grenade usage. Even those who go for a P90 (or another uncommon weapon) because of the expanded magazine can achieve the first Master Guardian status if they understand the importance of teamplay.

Is Master Guardian 1 Good?

A typical Master Guardian 1 CS:GO player was a serious level even for Gold Nova gamers; no need to mention Silvers. Even the Eagles and other higher-rank opponents knew that an MG1 player has at least one good skill set, so they tried to be more attentive against such players. Of course, it’s far from the pro level, but every long journey starts with simple steps, and Master Guardian I is one of them.



Players %


Master Guardian 1

Master Guardian 1


In CS:GO, about 33% of players achieved the 1st Master Guardian status, which is the 11th stage of the 18-step ladder that is usually reached in 600–800 hours. Transferring this rank into the Premier mode ELO system, MG1 equals approximately 11-13 thousand points, which, depending on map knowledge, teammates, and luck, can be reached in the same timeline.

How to Get Master Guardian 1?

Since the Gold Nova stages are more about trying diverse in-game aspects and mastering them to the middle level, MG1 requires the first steps toward a professional approach. To get this new rank, you have to focus on at least on a few of the following elements:

  1. Brush up on shooting from a few common guns (you should be really dangerous with AWP, AK-47, M4s, or Deagle in hand).
  2. Learn more about in-game movement and mechanics (the elements like shoulder-pick, counter-strafe, and shadow difference for standing and crouching models shouldn’t surprise you).
  3. Step up your grenade usage (learn exact spots for smokes and Molotovs; flashbangs shouldn’t be approximate but precise to catch even hiding opponents).
  4. Start giving fast and exact info by picking up even specific map callouts (not only general positions like the “Top-mid,” “Short,” or name of the bombsite).
  5. Use warmups, aim maps, or Deathmatch mode regularly to better gear up for competitive games.
How to Get Master Guardian 1?

Next Rank is Master Guardian 2: Tips to Achieve

Climbing higher on the rank ladder and get Master Guardian 2 will require working on a few more elements from the advanced list of the previous section. Thus, achieving the MG1 rank in CS2 can be a matter of polishing up two out of five elements, while a true MG2 player is proficient enough in three to four in-game aspects.

At the same time, you have to change up your approach to the game, which means not only the right warm-upping preparations. You should focus better during the game, try to figure out opponents' moves, and feel for the timings on a higher level. Of course, these elements come with the experience you gain, but you can also start following pro teams and watching their games more attentively. Pay attention to at what second the flashbang is thrown for the early-round duel, how pros use utility during executions and retakes, what the sequence of grenades is, and many more.


Achieving a Master Guardian 1 level deserves respect from the Counter-Strike community. However, at this level, a crucial question may arise about what to do next: Should you stay at this rank and chill, or is this a signal for further improvements? The answer depends on your goals and dreams, but the MG1 rank confirms that your efforts weren’t in vain and that you have the potential to move up.

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