CS2 Console Commands
FOV & Viewmodel
Adjust how much your viewmodel and gun barrel moves back towards you when you are running.
CS:GO bob version command.
Adjust how much the viewmodel and gun will move to the side when running.
Adjust how much your viewmodel and gun barrel moves up and down when moving forward.
Adjust how much your viewmodel bobs when you run.
Adjust how much your viewmodel and weapon moves/bobs up when running.
CS:GO brushfastpath command.
The camera follow viewmodel command in CS:GO adjusts how the camera is following the index of the bone.
Change radar size.
0 = The radar does not focus on the player.1 = The radar is centered on the player.
Change the icon size of the radar.
0 = Static radar.1 = The radar rotates following the player’s camera.
Change the radar zoom.
0 = Round radar.1 = Square radar when showing the scores.
With this CS:GO viewmodel command you can choose the side of the weapon you are holding. 0=weapon in the left hand and 1=weapon in the right hand.
0 = No color.1 = Different colors.2 = Colors and letter.
Adjust if your head moves up and down when you are running. Can't be adjusted for ranked matchmaking. Only for the SV cheat modes.
Setup how much your viewmodel moves to the left when shooting accuracy increases.
Setup how much your viewmodel moves to the right when shooting accuracy increases.
Set your Field of View, also called VOW to the specified number, you can set it to any value but requires sv_cheats to be enabled.
The fov debug command will will set your FOV to the specified value, provided sv_cheats is set to 1. It has no limitation.
Commands List
Why are Console Commands Needed in CS2?
Console commands for CS2 allow players to activate changes or settings in the game instantly. All you need to do is to open the console (click ‘~’), type the one you need, and press the ‘Enter’ key. The whole process takes as long as you need to read this sentence.
Despite the presence of 3,057 CS2 commands available via the console, the most important settings are available in the main menu of the game. All basic aspects needed for comfortable playing — Video, Audio, Game, Keyboard/Mouse, Controller — all can be adjusted without touching a keyboard. But you still can use your console to copy-paste someone's entire settings list rather than adjusting various options one by one.
There is also a huge list of commands, like adding bots and their control, activating infinite armor, or grenade trajectories, that are vital for training. Or, you can use them for fun with friends when you are tired of competitive mode and just want something wild.
Including all CS2 console commands into a basic display menu would be a huge waste of space and not at all user-friendly, so developers left these options for configuration but "hid" them into the console. Advanced players usually know about a hundred from the whole CS2 commands list, but they only scratch the surface. To easily find the needed one, we’ve added all and grouped them, so you can quickly find the required by choosing the category.
What Commands Cannot be Used in Competitive Modes?
With the variety of Counter-Strike 2 console commands, the majority of them are used like pre-game settings. In other words, they are set at once and rarely need changes, especially during the match.
However, a huge cluster can be used only during training sessions. Their activation starts by typing ‘sv_cheats 1’ in the console, opening the road for things forbidden in the competitive modes. An easy character’s flying across the map, god mode, infinite weapon, closest spawn to test timings, grenade trajectories, and many more can help while training.
Another cluster of commands that are not for competitive modes usage is related to adjusting a local server with the game. Thus, you cannot change the freeze-time, round time, team sizes, or money amount when playing official Matchmaking.
Still, all CS2 commands mirrored in the game default menu (screen above) are available anytime. Thus, you can easily change crosshair details, viewmodel, radar orientation, voice and HUD settings, bind new messages, and many more.
To activate the console in CS2, follow this procedure: Launch Game → Settings → Game → Enable Developer Console → Yes. Then, press the “~” button to activate it.
Basically, you need to type the opposite command. For some, it means adding the opposite value, which is usually ‘1’ for activation and ‘0’ for deactivation (e.g., sv_cheats 1 enables 'cheat' commands, and sv_cheats 0 disables them). For others, you need to find an opposite command (e.g., bot_add/bot_kick)
The most often used commands are related to adjusting game volume rates, mouse sensitivity, and binds, which can be changed up to several times per single map.
Console commands have almost no impact on the skill itself but can definitely make the gaming process smoother and more pleasant, so you can easily kill more enemies.