Best CS2 Fire Skins

Are you a player with ambitions and real fire inside you, what’s a better way to show it to the world than boasting an actual flaming gun? However, with so many flame-based options around, finding the best CS2 fire skins might be far more challenging that it seems. Don’t panic! With this guide, you’ll find a weapon to match your temper in no time!

Best Fire Skins for CS2 Pistols

Pistols are something you’ll see in every match, so it’s logical to begin our fire-themed journey here.

Desert Eagle | Blaze

Desert Eagle | Blaze FN


Desert Eagle | Blaze MW


Desert Eagle | Blaze is a legendary weapon from the 2013 "The Arms Deal" update. Despite its Restricted rarity and relatively high price, the design is so hot it still gets player attention even a decade after its release. Kill your enemies with style!

Price: $538.95 (MW) - $542.85 (FN)

Glock-18 | Bunsen Burner

Glock-18 | Bunsen Burner FN


Glock-18 | Bunsen Burner BS


Introduced in the 2015 Falchion Case, this pistol’s icy-blue flame design is always ready to light up your game. The gun’s namesake laboratory equipment is typically used for sterilization, so owning one automatically gives you license to say things like “sterilizing the battlefield” in the voice chat. It’s also pretty unique, as CS2 flame skins tend to be, well, flame-colored.

Price: $0.23 (BS) - $1.17 (FN)

ST: $0.68 (BS) - $5.40 (FN)

Top Fire Skins for CS2 Assault Rifles

Assault rifles dominate mid- to long-range battles, bringing the heat to your arsenal. It is a perfect choice for those who are serious about the win.

M4A4 | Howl

M4A4 | Howl FN


M4A4 | Howl WW


You’ve seen this one coming, didn’t you? The only Contraband skin in the game is also one of the most iconic CS2 skins with fire and flames! A howling, fiery wolf featured on the red and black background will surely heat up your game (and your wallet, too). But, let’s face it: If you’re one of the lucky few to ever lay hands on one of these, you’ll probably use it regardless of your opinion on CS flame designs.

Price: $3,076.39 (WW) - $5,696.50 (FN)

ST: $7,381.15 (WW) - $12,290.07 (FN)

SG 553 | Darkwing

SG 553 | Darkwing FN


SG 553 | Darkwing BS


Prisma 2 Case introduced some great designs, as anyone who ever saw this flame skin in CS2 can attest to. This Restricted rifle has a red-hot tint, evoking the looks of a dark phoenix with flaming wings. The design is strangely reminiscent of Dota 2 aesthetic, but it might be just us. The skin is also dirt-cheap for what it offers.

Price: $0.21 (BS) - $1.55 (FN)

ST: $0.53 (BS) - $5.53 (FN)

Best Fire Skins for Sniper Rifles in CS2

Fame designs might seem at odds with the calm and collected vibes of CS snipers, but we’ve still managed to find a couple of hot deals for you.

AWP | Wildfire

AWP | Wildfire FN


AWP | Wildfire BS


This is probably the most fiery of all the fire skins in CS2. A feral dragon made of flames raging in the dark—what more could you want? Released in the 2019 CS20 Case, Wildfire is a long-term fan-favorite (which, unfortunately, makes it quite pricey).

Price: $28.61 (BS) - $117.38 (FN)

ST: $80.00 (BS) - $238.01 (FN)

SSG 08 | Dragonfire

SSG 08 | Dragonfire FN


SSG 08 | Dragonfire BS


Featuring a hydrographic of a monstrous fire-breathing dragon, this rifle is hotter than ever despite being almost a decade old. It’s the perfect pick for creative players or anyone who appreciates artistry in their skins.

Price: $9.40 (BS) - $15.87 (FN)

ST: $32.99 (BS) - $69.29 (FN)

Best Fire Skins for CS2 SMGs

Unlike sniper rifles, SMGs are fast and furious, meaning that most flame skins in CS2 are a good match for this weapon class.

P90 | Chopper

P90 | Chopper FN


P90 | Chopper BS


The favorite skin of s1mple and Zeus from NAVI, P90 | Chopper features an interesting mix of black, blue, and yellow. It is so sleek that you just immediately want to take it into your inventory and play all day long (at least that’s how we feel). With such a weapon, you’ll surely get some attention in the lobby, for better and for worse.

Price: $0.37 (BS) - $1.40 (FN)

ST: $1.09 (BS) - $4.25 (FN)

MAC-10 | Heat

MAC-10 | Heat FN


MAC-10 | Heat BS


No flames or fiery patterns here—just a sleek black weapon so hot it glows with a red holo light as if the steel itself is approaching its melting point. Every detail here leaves a fiery impression, from its lethal style to its fabulous price. Are you ready for some Heat?

Price: $1.99 (BS) - $6.89 (FN)

ST: $3.32 (BS) - $14.51 (FN)

Top Shotgun Fire Skins in CS2

Any Nova or XM1014 can become a fiery beast if you add a proper skin into the mix.

XM1014 | Incinegator

XM1014 | Incinegator MW


XM1014 | Incinegator BS


Nothing says “savage!” as much as a fire-breathing alligator, and so we couldn’t help but include this beauty in our list of CS2 fire skins. While looking a bit cartoonish, this fire-themed weapon from 2019 still manages to look every bit as fierce as its name suggests. As a bonus, the price is pretty low for such a cool-looking weapon!

Price: $1.03 (BS) - $8.77 (MW)

ST: $2.08 (BS) - $34.99 (MW)

Nova | Wood Fired

Nova | Wood Fired FN


Nova | Wood Fired BS


An unexpected blend of colors for a fiery weapon, yet a fiery weapon it surely is. Released in 2018, the skin has natural wood grain accented by green paint and charred black flames, giving it a scorched, battle-hardened look. Unusual, beautifully crafted, and available for just a few cents. Seems like a perfect deal to us!

Price: $0.04 (BS) - $0.20 (FN)

ST: $0.08 (BS) - $0.55 (FN)

And that’s a wrap! Which flame-themed skins did you like the most? Did we miss your top pick? Share your thoughts in the comments, and as always, enjoy the game!

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