Cooper Phelps 25 才
MP9 | Slide
10 Year Birthday Coin
5 Year Veteran Coin
Loyalty Badge
P250 | Re.built
SCAR-20 | Poultrygeist
10 Year Veteran Coin
FAMAS | Mecha Industries
Dual Berettas | Colony
Graffiti | Welcome to the Clutch
AWP | Duality
MP7 | Abyssal Apparition
★ Sport Gloves | Pandora's Box
MAC-10 | Disco Tech
Five-SeveN | Scrawl
SG 553 | Ol' Rusty
Music Kit | Halo, The Master Chief Collection
Graffiti | Howling Dawn
Sticker | Rekt (Holo)
Dual Berettas | Melondrama
SCAR-20 | Fragments
Tec-9 | Rebel
SG 553 | Cyberforce
R8 Revolver | Blaze
Howl Pin
Graffiti | Heart (Bazooka Pink)
Graffiti | Cerberus
Sealed Graffiti | Welcome to the Clutch
P250 | Facility Draft
Gold Operation Riptide Coin